Title, in reference to bringing back old spells.
Arcane shot is cool and a definitive hunter ability that I truly believe all hunters should have, but having a spell just for the icon on my bar is pretty lazy IMO. Referencing BM specifically with the last point. Why bring back a spell that’s never going to be used? Sure back in the day we had spell books chock-full of dead abilities, but why just bring them back to continue being dead?
Wheres the synergy? Wheres the fun? Wheres any reason at all to press this button? At this point in time for my PTR character, which is in no way representative of SL endgame or damage numbers, Arcane shot deals roughly 4x as much damage as cobra. Unless I’m mistaken, there’s still no reason to ever press it because of the CD reduction we get from cobra. And no way they could ever balance it, since Arcane shot has no other effects associated with it. It would just come down to “Pressing cobra for KC cooldown reduction is no longer worth it, spam arcane shot while you wait” or “KC cooldown reduction from cobra is still worth more than arcane, spam cobra when nothing else”.
Then there is Hunters Mark. You 'member, right? Well it got merc’d. No more group utility, no more rotational fluidity, just a pain in the backside debuff to keep up just to maintain our baseline damage output. Blizzards obsession for Global CD’s is coming through in spades in SL (Sorry bout ya, Mages) and not even HM was safe. It, much like Arcane shot, is cool to have back, but makes little sense in the way it was implemented. I’d prefer to have it either off of the GCD altogether, or remove the damage component from it. Or both at this point. A lot of the responses saying “Just don’t use it” are reductive and clearly made by people who don’t understand how this game works, and has worked for… ever.
Tranq shot, on the flip-side of this coin, makes quite a bit of sense. It gives every hunter the baseline purge/soothe that came with spirit beast pets, without actually having to have a spirit beast(or a bat or w/e, i know it isn’t locked to SB’s). Still gonna use spirit beasts for 90% of the dungeon and just swap them out for lust pets as needed, but I can appreciate the effort here and it does make sense. Good change.
Just kinda hoping for an [Arcane shot (Rank 2)] to appear the in BM spellbook, where they make the spell useful and synergistic with the rest of the rotation.