Seems Blizzard updated their Terms of Sale agreement today

Oh. Alright then. Carry on.

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My point is

All of the topics

So many people complaining, wanting Blizzard to entertain them.

It would be like… kids in school. They are let out for recess. The teachers let the kids play around in the playground out behind the school. There’s kids everywhere… but then there’s kids who are bothering the teachers acting bored.

The teacher should tell the parent their kid isn’t socializing well.

Maybe this is too much to ask. A lot of you only seem to care about increasing your item level, like that will get you a wife or help you earn millions of dollars and get into heaven.

what about that time that belgium passed a law banning lootboxes with real life money and blizzard suddenly removed the ability to buy them with real life money in belgium…quite mysterious eh? blizzard sure showed belgium…

the better business bureau is a joke. it has no real power.

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Can you buy them anywhere else outside of Belgium?

They still sell the on the Blizzard store

And that’s bad why? People give feedback to game companies about the video games they play all the time. It’s not special because it’s Blizzard or WoW.

If somebody is complaining to Blizzard that the game isn’t fun, it doesn’t mean they have to just shut up and leave or shut up and deal with it. They are allowed to give that feedback. Now whether or not the feedback is constructive is a different story.

But this topic isn’t about being entertained. It’s about paying money for a functioning product and not only your not guaranteed to get that, but be told it’s not even their fault, even though they made the product. Their complaints is completely valid, because it’s not suppose to happen. And the company should take responsibility.

But increasing your item level isn’t exclusive with making friends. Especially since some make friends so they can do that thing with them, or make the process more enjoyable by helping them or being helped, etc.

And really, there isn’t anything wrong with caring about increasing your item level.


This topic isn’t about wanting Blizzard to entertain us. It’s about us paying real money for a product and them saying, “too bad it doesn’t work, we’re not liable and you’re not getting your money back.”

In any other scenario, mass refunds would go out— or at the very least, freebies of something— and the product would be pulled from the shelves. Even EA gave refunds and freebies when stuff went wrong with store items and they deleted those items from the store temporarily until it was sorted out.

Blizzard just keeps selling new ones and old ones and ignoring the issue.

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True, you can buy a good rating, same goes for Yelp.

uhm buddy i don’t know if anybody’s told you…but enron is bankrupt. it’s okay i know its hard to believe.

Uh what’s your point? I know Enron tanked, I used to work for them. Activision isn’t going Bankrupt, their stock didn’t close at 44 cents a share… You took the quote out of context as I was responding to someone else.

it’s Starting to look like you are throwing things against a wall hoping something will stick, you are looking for a gotcha moment. You are taking things way to personal.

MVP post mate. Thanks for doing the drudge work for the rest of us.

No, it was to gain back more control over their citizens. Their citizens were getting too comfortable with capitalism.

i clicked to read it and it disappeared it don’t work right either like the shop. seems they need some new coders.

same thing happened to me. it sent me to an external website.

If blizzard takes your money for something they never deliver, blames you, cancels your account and keeps your money while continuing to charge other people and not deliver, it’s fine in your country as long as they put it into the terms you must click “ok” to? I think not.

If they snuck in a clause where you were required to hand over your firstborn if you clicked “okay” without reading what you were accepting?

“We are not responsible for our bad performance and will not issue refunds and you have no legal standing to have a class action lawsuit.”


People used to stand behind their work and products, this is disgusting.

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Can I add some ice cream to that hyper-bowl?

Now, of course, I want ice cream…

Lol laws don’t work like that.

I mean I know Blizz is slimy, but let’s not go that far…

I tend to forget how massive of a company this is and that the time it takes them to do things just does not add up.


Not much
Formatting changes
Wording Changes
Blizzard Gear store stuff yeeted to orbit (Gear store has it’s own terms)
Other stuff curbstomped as is covered by the EULA anyway
New refund policy , formalizing guidelines CS has used for exceptions
Somehow the EULA is in there somehow