Seems Blizzard updated their Terms of Sale agreement today

Doesn’t this clash with Australian consumer rights?

It sounds like the Terms of Sale excuse Blizzard from being obligated to ever fix anything.

Why would anyone play this?

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Then it better get resolved, this bug has been here for over 2 years now and should not be happening with purchased items at all.


Some of us have never purchased transmogs. I can see people who have paid a lot of money to collect them - and who have continued to pay gold to re-transmog them when they randomly are removed and come back much later - might decide that this is Blizzard declaring that it’s too much trouble to fix that bug, but here, keep buying more of this stuff we’re going to blame your unreasonable expectations when we continue to remove it.


People give less and less attention to the disaster that was/is WC3: Refunded, but we can never forget how they botched & destroyed that one

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i mean you have made like 4 alts with the same name already so its working well for you it seems

People on the forums and reddit have mentioned in the past that their mounts and pets they’d purchased disappeared. I’d had a couple mounts and a pet(s) go poof, but i never purchased them from the store.

Its been around longer then 2 yrs now it started back in 2013 with those mog helms they sold in the store…and been going on since then.

This is the bottom line…

This is why I have learned to live in the moment… to deal with situations like this and people like this.

We can’t expect a good game. We can’t expect them to fix broken parts of the game. Whatever they dish out… that’s what it is. Enjoy it or leave. Your complaints mean zero, due to Terms of Sale.

I felt this way before. Now they have put it in writing.

The funny part is… I thought they were going in the other direction, to listen more to players. What about the community council thing? That idea is trash now.

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How many alts do you have named “Clark” using funny letters where necessary?

I was already on a 6 month sub when the Murloc one came out…not sure I would of brought it just for the mog either…but since I have it I should be able to use it and not have it keep disappearing off my toons I mog it on and keep costing me tons of gold each time to put it back on.

3, ones a bank alt, ones a classic tbc character and this guy

I know it’s working well for me. I can survive harsh conditions. I am concerned for the general population of players. This is sad.

You had a max level character on Emerald Dream, it seems to me you have posted on both during the same period. Do you still have the Moonguard Clark?

that emerald dream character is this

the moon guard one is still there at level 50

I have stopped posting on moon guard character in 2020

What did you do to that tauren?

Bottom line of all this now…the player base pays hard earned monies to buy special little things like Mog helms or Murloc back pieces believing it will work correctly for them in game…not to have it keep dropping off their mogs and costing them more gold each time or completely disappearing out of their collection with no way to get it back other then to have to buy it again with real monies.

Its damn wrong that they haven’t fixed this bug that began back in 2013.


I never had a tauren? the only tauren I had was a tauren paladin from cataclysm, who is now this character


I mean these tauren who are out to get you in this topic.


2 posting right now.

A character of mine had a hilarious close encounter with Clark on Moonguard during BfA.