Seeking RP Guilds

Trying to get back into the game. Led a guild on Cenarion Circle for about 8 years and have plenty of RP experience. As i have quite a few characters, and know very little about the community still, I figured I would list them in the hopes of finding them a guild home. I would also like to know if there are any realm wide ooc chats (CC had hordeooc, for example).

My characters include:

Galm, an orc warlock and former (though hardly repentant) member of the Shadow Council.

Zarkandu, a Zandalari prelate and loyal soldier to the Queen.

Sorax, a dashing goblin swashbuckler.

Rulka, a shadowmoon orc astrologer haunted by visions of doom.

Yorgoth, a blackrock warrior and siegesmith.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I am often busy during the day but it would be nice to have people to socialize with when I play.

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Ch-ch-check us out! Thank you SFW

One or more of your characters sound like they might be a good fit!


Welcome to WRA! I don’t know of any in game channels that are actually active but there are a few btag event groups that give notice for when things are fixing to start!

Have you considered ::fire::FIrebrand Enterprises::fire::?

Hey there Sorax,

You might give the Grim a look, our formal info-post can be found here: [H-RP/PVE/PVP] <The Grim>

We might have a few character who might fess up to being involved with Shadow Council if you buy them a few drinks first and don’t ask tooo many questions.

I think most of the realm-chat channels went away with the (new with BFA) community channels since they give the creators a bit more control over who can join them, but lose that easy-to-join aspect. A lot of the RPers here make use of RP addons such as TRP3, so you might give that a shot. I see quite a few people in Dazar’alor with that turned on.

There is also a pretty active Discord community for the RPers.

I hope you find a group that fits your needs!

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I’ve been looking to get into the RP scene, though to be honest not sure where to start :frowning:

Scarred Blade is always recruiting, hit us up in game if you’d like some rp :smiley:

Thanks for the replies. Will take a closer look at these suggestions tomorrow.