Community Name: Three Seconds To Berserk
Faction: Both Welcome!
Description: A laid back, semi-casual raid group dedicated to achieving AoTC in each tier while having fun. We are seeking more folks who can consistently make our raid nights. Every Tuesday 9pm-11pm PST and rotating Monday or Wednesdays, same time. Currently recruiting most classes for The War Within. Healers and DPS with healer or tank offspecs especially needed but pure DPS are also welcome.
Contact ARACHNE#1222 for more information–please send a message after an accepted friend request 
Can i sign up as a sub tank? i cant guarantee i will make it 100% of the raid but i will say about 80-90. Im a 365 Blood DK
If it’s possible to keep the team posted on which nights you’ll make it in advance that would be very helpful. I would say that we don’t need sub tanks that often but the last two weeks would make that a lie. Being able to go dps would of course be useful.
Is a 1 one week notice long enough?
Also i can do dps but not as well as my tanking because a lot of my gears are geared toward tanking. I use Unholy as dps because i dont have a single handed weapon for Frost
A week is plenty of notice. Don’t worry too much about how good your dps set is, as long as you are okay with running as unholy if we don’t need you in blood we’ll understand if your numbers are a little behind.
Due to my time zone difference I can easily make 9pm-11pm PST. I’m only iLvL 350 or so at this point due to not having the oppertunity to do anything but LFR and only a portion of a mythic dungeon.
I just want to update that im a 370 tank now. cant believe it has only been 1 day since i posted this
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Hi everyone! I’ve gotten a number of friend requests but, funny thing, people aren’t actually talking to me. . . and since I’m not only taking care of this community recruitment but also recruitment for my guild as a whole, it would be great if folks could send me a brief message after their friend request is accepted letting me know what their interest is.
Raid tonight, 11/28/18 at 9pm PST. . . H Vectis farm, H Zek’voz progression. Always looking for a few more dps and maybe a healer or two.
Sent along a request. This is pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking for, and you’re progressing right where I left off before I rerolled to DH, so that’s perfect.
I’ll be sure to send you a whisper tomorrow evening!
Edit - Also, ignore the name and level, for some reason Blizzard’s services haven’t maintained the fact that I’ve faction swapped and renamed yet.
My actual toons name is Bilateral on Stormreaver. Wowprogress has updated info.
Now 5/8 H Uldir. Zul progression starting Wednesday Dec. 5. Always have room for a few more fun people!
Bump, Heroic G’huun needs to go down.
Looking for more, 7/8 H Uldir. Also LFM going into next tier!
I feel pretty, oh so pretty!
Updated first post with current progression. Always have room for more!
We’re still going! More are always welcome!
These guys are awesome to raid with!!!
These guys are the sorta people Walt Disney imagined visiting his parks and the people Danzig wants at his parties.
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Starting new raid progression TOMORROW (July 10) at 9pm PDT and still looking for more consistent players to add to the community roster!
These guys are the sorta people Walt Disney imagined visiting his parks and the people Danzig wants at his parties.
Hand’s down theee best compliment ever given on the forums.