Seeking Kaldorei-Themed Role Play Guild

Hello all! I have recently come back to the game and moved my warrior over to Moon Guard on the Alliance side of things and I am looking for a night elven themed role playing guild. This is going to be a quick and dirty OP to just cover the basics of who I am and what I am looking for. I’m more than happy to take further questions.

First and foremost, I am well over eighteen and I have a second shift full-time job. My availability Monday through Thursday is splotchy at best and I would prefer a guild that is most active Friday evenings/nights, and during the weekends.

I enjoy just about everything wow has to offer, be it PvE, PvP, or RP. A guild with a healthy dose of either pvE or PvP to be the cherry on top of their RP would be most appealing.

I absolutely despise guild uniforms. I have been waiting for a decade and a half for a proper set of night elf inspired plate armor so that I could make a night elf warrior and not feel bad about her look. Now that the Darkshore warfront has given me one, I WILL NOT change my transmog for anyone, for any reason.

Similarly, I don’t really do guild tabards. I’d consider one if it matched my transmog, or if we’re taking a guild photo or something, but otherwise I won’t be wearing it.

That should just about cover it! I’ve heard Moon Guard has a healthy undergrowth of Kaldorei RP. Where are y’all hiding at?

The Hundred Glaives is a relaxed group of players that enjoy night elf roleplay and are not strict in regards to personal expression. That being said, they have no uniform and do not require you to wear a tabard. They are friendly, and I recommend them.

Hey Faeralore, welcome back to the game!

There’s honestly tons of Kaldorei RP at the moment, it’s pretty popping.

A few off the top of my head are:
The Crescent Glaive
Accord of the Ancients
Song of Nightfall
Ana’duna Thera
Kalimdor Enclave
The Shanari
Dor Serrar
Hundred Glaives

Each having it’s different theme / central storyline, I’d definitely reach out to a couple of them! Also, we have a general Kaldorei discord for the server - the code is : zp6Ty3Q.

Hope you find what you’re looking for! And I totally love the Darkshore armor set, don’t change that for anyone. <3

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I second Izuki, there’s quite a few active Kaldorei guilds right now! I feel your pain about your schedule, I work full time second shift too.

I can only speak for Dor Serrar, our events are usually at around 8 pm server/central time on various days throughout the week. Because of my schedule, 99% of the events I personally run are on weekends. All our guildies are online at various times throughout the day and night as well. We have no uniforms, wear whatever your character wants to wear! Our forum post is here!