[A-RP] Dor'Serrar - Fight for Kalimdor!

The bright shafts of clear moonlight broke through small gaps in the trees and fell across the silver glaive emblem, it shown in sharp contrast against the black cloth as a sudden breeze sent the banner to flutter and dance in the night wind. It settled once again to hang there under the canopy of forest, a symbol that seemed to stand in equal parts defiance and indifference.

The sound of distant voices can be heard among the clash of metal and wood, the sing of arrows before they sunk into their targets, and what was that? Laughter? Joking? Wait… was that a song being played in the background? Surely not. This is an illusion. Some silly spell to trick the senses. Kaldorei don’t have fun and play games! They’re too busy being stuffed shirts and haughty, grumpy old farts, full of their own importance… right? Further investigation reveals, a large gathering of Kaldorei, hair of seemingly every shade from moonlight to twilight and what was this? Smaller elves? Children? Well now, how curious.

Among the crowd gathered, it is hard to tell who are the Thero’shan and who are the Shan’do as they are teaching each other, learning from one another interchangeably. Tawny Great Owls flint in and out of the area transporting correspondence from around Azeroth, one of the few things that could get passed the wards and protections.

It is the Order of the Eternal Blade in their off hours. Training, learning, enjoying each other’s company until the next mission; the next call for aide. A family of friends and bloodlines long thought lost to the ravages of time, willing to stand in the line of fire to protect the Kaldorei people and all of ancient Kalimdor.

Duty and Honor. Loyalty and Country. Above All Else.

OOC Information:
Dor’Serrar is a military based force made up of primarily Kaldorei characters who have chosen to take an active role in defending Kalimdor. Whether that’s fighting demons, defending lands from the Horde, killing off insurgences of Satyr and Naga, or protecting homes and people from natural disasters, we deploy where needed and do not stop until the threat is neutralized.

We are considered a medium-to-heavy, storyline-oriented RP guild. While RP is our main focus, we do run in game content; dungeons, raids, mythics, special events, and PVP. Dor’Serrar is lore-abiding. We do not take lore bending, lore ignoring in favor of “head cannon” or lore breaking lightly (No, you aren’t really a Drow. No, you aren’t the long lost Stormrage triplet. No, your night elf wasn’t born on Teldrassil. No, your night elf isn’t 20,000 yrs old, etc.). Lore-breaking, God-moding, or meta-gaming are all bad mmmmmkay.

We welcome new role-players, old role-players who are getting back into the swing of things, and everything in between. We’ll teach you and guide you to the best of our ability. It’s how we roll. Our membership consists primarily of Kaldorei and Highborne character mains.

We accept non-Kaldorei races, Death Knights, Demon Hunters, and Warlocks on a case by case basis. Existing members are more than welcome to bring their alts into the guild OOC regardless of class/race. Such alts can always RP with the Order but the same case by case rules apply to being “officially recognized” (aka IC) as part of the Order.

Admittance into the guild is fairly simple. An application can be found on our website, it’s both an IC and OOC application. Fill it out and submit it. If it’s accepted, feel free to contact a GM or Officer for your character’s interview.

Other information
We ask that you be 18 or older and mature enough to be able to take a joke. We are first and foremost friends that act like family in that we will pick on each other good naturedly. Those with a thin skin may not feel at home here.

Harassment, sexual or otherwise, will not be tolerated in any way, shape, or form and is grounds for immediate removal from the guild. If you cause drama (behind the “scenes” or upfront center stage does not matter), you will be talked to about it and asked to stop. If you persist or cause new drama, you will find yourself guildless. We play to have fun and RP, not to babysit.

Contact Information
If you are interested in joining Dor’Serrar, I urge you to take a look at our website at http://dorserrar.com for more information.

Feel free to contact an officer or a GM in game with any questions or concerns you may have. Currently, our ‘administration’ consists of:

GM: Isarith

Officers: Jalcynter, Spectreana, Velasandra


Quick FAQ! This by no means covers everything but it is a general guideline to hopefully answer some questions. Do not be afraid to reach out and contact someone if you have any further questions.

Q: Are events mandatory?
A: For the most part. We are an RP centered guild, so if you’re not showing up to events, there’s something wrong. Of course, real life always takes precedence, but if you are online then you are expected to attend events.

Q: Is there a level requirement?
A: A soft one, yes. We would prefer you to be 40+. We find that those above level 40 tend to have their characters more set in stone, which makes for a better quality of RP (and less likely that it’s an alt that will be parked and never touched again).

Q: I don’t know if my character would fit in your guild. It’s a Death Knight/Demon Hunter, etc.
A: I will start by stating that we are a heavy lore-abiding RP guild. Death Knights are welcome but keep in mind that they may be treated differently in character by other Kaldorei due to their nature. “Mary sue” characters or the like are likely to be turned away, as we hold ourselves and our members to a certain standard. That being said, even if you feel your character would be an iffy match, don’t let that deter you from applying or contacting an officer. We have an INCREDIBLE diversity of character types within the guild; chances are you wouldn’t stick out as much as you think you would.

Q: My character is not a Kaldorei. Can I still join the guild?
A: This is a case by case basis proposition. We are first and foremost a Kaldorei guild and will always prefer Kaldorei characters. Go ahead and fill out an application on our website and we’ll go from there.

Q: I’m intimidated by Kaldorei lore. I’ve never played a Kaldorei. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time; you know?
A: Please don’t let any of the above keep you from trying something new that you might really fall in love with playing. If you’ve never role-played a Kaldorei because you feel too ignorant of the lore or find the volume of lore daunting, do not let that deter you! Unlike other community circles, we’re forgiving of mistakes. You are going to mess up, everyone (even the GMs) mess up. It happens. We aren’t here to crucify you for mixing up a lore point or not knowing something exists. As long as you’re willing to learn and accept guidance, you will find someone willing to teach and guide.

Q: What kind of events/RP do you hold?
A: Everything, to be honest. From guild storylines and impromptu RP to cultural and community-based events to in-game content mini-holidays and special events, we try to have a little bit of everything in order to appeal to everyone. Our RP tends to be centered on the Kalimdor continent between guild members as well as random walk ups and story events. We have a few ‘base of operations’ areas that we commonly gather at for meetings and other casual RP events as well.

Q: How do I join?
A: Go to our website, put in an application, and we’ll move forward from there. We look forward to meeting you and roleplaying with your character!


Good group of knowledgable and long time RP’rs. Any Night Elf would be well added to this guild.

Also, tell Jalcynter to stop shooting arrows at my knees. I dont want guard duty.


Edited to add we now accept IC warlocks on a case-by-case basis.

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Hello there! I am interested in seeing if my character would be a fit for Dor’Serrar, as I generally hear good things, but I seem to have some trouble hunting (no pun intended) you guys down. I hope to be able to catch someone soon!


New year, new events! I’m excited for the year ahead of us.

Blatant bump >.>