Seeking fellow battle-worn Dads for late-night adventures

Greetings, Champions of Azeroth!

Allow me to introduce myself - I’m a seasoned adventurer myself (or rather, more a seasoned Dad), hailing from the grand lands of Texas. By day, I’m deep in the daily grind, working over 50 hours a week to keep the coffers full and the hearth warm. But by night, once the children are tucked into their beds, the adventuring begins.

With an army of alts at my command (every class under the sun, both Horde and Alliance… thank you MOP:Remix), I am more than prepared to tackle any quest, dungeon, or raid that comes our way. My past in Azeroth is storied - I was deeply entrenched in the world from its inception in 2004 up until just before Deathwing wreaked havoc upon the world. After a long hiatus (real life can be relentless), I’ve returned to Azeroth, discovering all the wonders I have missed over the years.

But enough about me - I’m on the lookout for other Dads who understand the unique challenges of balancing the call of duty (both in-game and out). If you’re like me, you sneak in your gametime when you can, usually at night, when you can finally crack open a cold one and settle back into the World of Warcraft.

I’m not looking for a hardcore raiding schedule (but if a raid a spot opens up on Tuesday or Thursday nights after 9pm Central, there’s a fair chance I may be available). I’m more interested in finding a group of like-minded comrades to quest with, share some laughs, and maybe a reminisce a little about the good old days.

So, if you’re a guild of fellow Dads that know the struggles of juggling real-life responsibilities with your love for the game, and you’re looking to add another to share in the adventure, drop me a message. Let’s band together in blood and fire and forge our own legend.

For the Horde! For the Alliance! Most importantly… For the Dads!

  • Just another Dad Gamer, looking for other Dad Gamers

Hello Silvermane! Our guild is made up of a core of Gamer Dads as well, and I feel like you would definately be at home here with us. If you are not looking for a guild, but just a group of fellow gamer dads to run content with, we also have a community. It’s not nearly as active as green chat, but it may suffice if you’re happy with the guild your in.

If you’re interested, please reach out! Thanks!

Venomfang Cultists is a smaller, cross faction/cross realm guild on Emerald Dream, looking for more late night players for M+ and casual raiding. We are a mature, friendly guild, happy to help new or returning players with leveling and gearing up, and getting in M+ groups ASAP. Groups typically start forming 10 PM pacific, Midnight server time. All classes, specs, and skill levels are welcome. We will get KSM each season, but M+ is kept fun. Raiding even more so, with most members content to see the Raids…We are not an AOTC focused guild by any means. If you are a late night player looking for regular M+ groups, or just some folks to hang out with during late night play sessions, please consider joining us. You can message Willowthorn#1522 on Battle.Net, Shadethistle on Discord, or look for us in the in-game guild finder.

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Hello Silvermane!

We have several players who are parents just like yourself (I have two little ones of my own) and we understand the struggles! I too power up the computer once they are in bed. Most of our players come from a variety of places (including Texas) too! So I’m sure you`d get along with us!

If you are interested about what our guild offers game wise, check my post out about our guild here: Raid: T/Th 8:30-10:30pm EST + PvP (rbgs): Wed 8-11pm EST

Also feel free to message me in game! Yakella- Trollbane or on Discord : Yakusa#6430