Seeing way to many gold buyers in fresh

I play on WMC and I see as much service selling spam there as on fresh with a smaller online player base than fresh, so I wonder where you get your data from.

Huh… you mean the issue has always been blizzard refusing to actually address botting?


There is no GDKP on fresh, so you can’t blame it, also GDKP wasn’t the problem RMT was, also I am not arguing for or against GDKP, but the haters can’t blame it on fresh. As again it’s banned, and as you can see the RMT trade is live and well. Would there be more with GDKP, probably, but who knows as you likely have the same buyers either way, all we know is the gold sellers have a vibrant and lucrative market from the non GDKP buyers.

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Having people do all content is “retail”?

That’s the dumbest thing you ever said.

We get it you walked up hill both ways without shoes.

Re-read what I said and get back to me dog.
I’m not blaming GDKP for the problems on Fresh.
I’m saying that the GDKP ban happened because the GDKP community turned a blind eye to gold buying or gaslit people like you’re trying to do right now.

Denying that RMTs exist(ed) in GDKP is just as silly as denying that there are cheaters who buy gold with or without GDKP.

Because noone has ever denied there is RMT in GDKP’s, there’s RMT in all aspects of the game. If you are playing the game in anything other than self found mode you have RMT gold.

And what’s dishonest is pretending anything otherwise.

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you, as usual, want classic to be more like retail :expressionless: cuz you have a job or some such. pathetic

why are people stealing my name still years later. its hilarious that i popped into this thread and see this o/

A lot of the pro GDKPers deny it all the time.
The problem lies with the community as a whole not self-policing.

I gquit my guild last week because a guy brazenly said “I bought gold for my Arcanite Reaper on Classic” after the debate of gold buying came up and I said “Gold buying is cheating”. None of the officers would remove him from the guild so I removed myself.

I will not knowingly be playing with any cheaters on this go with WoW.

Era has a very fun WSG scene, even now. Enjoy it a lot more than leveling for the hundredth time.

The fact that RMT is rampant in fresh, and in SOD after the ban shows that it was never just the GDKP crowd, they simply seemed to get the lion share of the blame. While I am certain they contributed and possibly a lot, it shows that you take it away, and there is still a huge market.

So was it really the GDKP crowd turning a blind eye? or the non GDKP crowd turning a blind eye and simply using it as a way to ban a loot system they didn’t like. Personally I don’t really care either way, and you can pretty much bet the policy is not going to change at this point. Anyway, the problem was and still is RMT, by the way good call on quitting your guild for not taking action.

I would even posit a lot of GDKP players will not raid (or only raid 1 main) for fresh.

It is basically impossible to raid with full consumes without buying gold if there are no GDKPs.

I wouldn’t call it Rampant, at least not on Nightslayer.
There are bots though.
I’ve personally gotten two or three bots and a gold seller banned.

The non-GDKP crowd didn’t make the decision to ban GDKP.
Blizzard did, clearly they have some data they’re not sharing with the rest of us or this ban wouldn’t be on SoD AND anniversary.

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People running bots made a campaign to ban GDKPs because it kills their profits since it allows people to play without buying gold.

They convinced bad players that GDKPs are against them and either paid off the team at blizzard or they are just totally oblivious and too busy in their own world

Millions of gold has likely been sold on fresh already, and not a single GDKP. The ban is just bot-runners securing their bags.

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RMTs are RAMPANT in the high level raiding and PVP scenes.
Before the honor system change it was very common for people pushing for R14 to play for 18+ hours a day(Depending on brackets) and then buy gold because they didn’t have time to farm.

It’s the same story in the raiding scene that requires full consumes and World Buffs for every raid. Nobody but mages/locks/hunters with a full time job can afford to get all those flasks, potions, buff foods and other “Requirements” for raiding.

Or did you personally dump 500g to have someone MC you for Blessing of the Warchief every week? What about 10000g for a flask recipe so you can make them yourself instead of paying 200-300g for one flask for one raid?

This is for a normal high level raid group that uses EPGP/DKP/LC or anything other than GDKP.

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Ever hear of dual boxing? Lol

And i work full time, almost like we had a holiday with a week off right at launch! Imagine that!!

Saw a 60 Hunter on Dreamscythe with his epic mount. Yep gold buying is going nuts.

They already could. Soft, lazy people don’t deserve to

World bosses are a pvp fight. They instanced them in sod and even more people quit

There’s too many soy mf playing this game who just want to go through a motion and then wonder why theyre bored

“Not everyone could experience the fight” is said by people who never wanted to show up in the first place

If this game didn’t have premade battlegrounds or world boss pvp it would not be even worth logging in

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Because it was never a good faith argument, it was people who just don’t like GDKP’s for whatever reason lying about them being the cause of RMT.

Deserve is a strong word.

Nobody deserves anything in WoW.
You get what you earn.
WoW is a time sink, the more time you sink into it the more powerful/better your character becomes.

Does it suck that 1-2 super sweaty NEET guilds per server bogart the World Bosses?
Does it impact my gameplay?
No, not really.
Most of the drops are side-grades to raid gear.

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