Seeing way to many gold buyers in fresh

I didn’t advocate for dual spec.

It was a change blizzard put in, not me.

I do think it’s a good change tho.

I don’t think it’ll last past world bosses

Blizzard will then stupidly think it’s due to a lack of interest instead of sharding


Blizzard 100% should of made world bosses instanced like sod did.


maybe for pve servers. not pvp servers

you mean good players?

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another godawful change :expressionless:

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Yea letting everyone experience the content is terrible.

Instead of the dudes with no jobs who get to camp it all day.

You gotta be in your 50s


They messed this up so badly…

They could have had a gold mine with a unmolested FRESH vanilla and a NEW TBC Era server…

Instead… we get this joke that’s doomed to die because the same clown show that destroyed the opportunity and good will that could have been SOD had to go and run this opportunity into the ground also.

If they built both like everyone asked for… They could have won massively, instead its a server cursed to fail before BWL is complete. That IMO is a new record for failure of a “Vanilla” realm if you can even call it that anymore.

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Yet I’m sitting here licking my chops for avowed.

I’ve personally gotten three Botters and one gold seller banned.
Just keep reporting.

If you want to have some real fun go to a big zone like The Barrens or STV and say something like “Buying gold is cheating” in the general chat and try to provoke the cheaters(Gold Buyers) into admitting they buy gold and then report them.

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literally building a character specifically for this… tho now with Sharding in game its going to take a lot more effort to catch them.

That woke garbage lol.


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GDKP was never the problem and its banned so its not that on fresh, the non GDKP players were always a huge RMT market, so you knew the bots and gold sellers would be here.

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Yeah that was a great change.

It’s absolutely stupid having it for 1 guild only.

In 2019 the guild on my server that had the world bosses on lockdown had 8-10 people on 3-4 hour shifts where they’d sit there on their warlock alts waiting for a pop up and send an emergency message out in discord when they saw it.

Lol imagine working a 4 shift in WoW to watch for a world boss.

That’s beyond disgusting they should be instanced. It’s a bloody raid boss.

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They keep brining up the GDKP yet not on the new server and yet its also got more bots per % of player base than any other version excluding SoD that has more where GDKP is also banned.

Imagine that.

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or maybe you accept that you’re not the best and don’t deserve the world boss loot :expressionless:

Everyone deserves to experience those fights

yeah, that’s your retail attitude coming through :expressionless:

You’re not good if you do that.

It doesn’t take skill.

It takes being an unemployed slob who doesn’t have a life.

It’s a shortened version of classic and makes no logical sense to have it this way.

I bet they change it shortly after they release when the majority lets them know how dumb it is.

I’ll be here to soak up your tears :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


GDKP is clearly part of the problem or blizzard wouldn’t have banned it on two versions of the game.

If the GDKP community didn’t condone gold buying through inaction or apathy GDKP would be in SoD and Anniversary.

People looking the other way when their Guildies buy gold, their friends buy gold, or people in their GDKPs clearly bought gold is what got us here.

If Blizzard took a hard stance against cheating(Gold buying) and permanently closed people’s accounts we wouldn’t be having this constantl “Uh huh!” “Nuh uh!” argument surrounding cheaters(Gold Buyers).

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