Seeing all these warriors and mages, people didnt want the nostalgia

They wanted to play an OP class they knew wasnt going to be patched. Thats all


in other news, the sky is blue
thanks for the update Stoney

Well those are very different reasons for being sold on classic servers. And it dilutes the experience.

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Of course most humans don’t enjoy doing something for entertainment itself. They want to win, or see their side win, and will even cheat to win, even in sports real or on TV, in games, etc. That’s how this species won out!

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I mean when a class does literally 100% more damage than half of the other classes…

Blizzard was horrendous at class balancing in Vanilla and people consider that when rolling.


Its a fair point, I think Mage is a better class for the players that just want something that is “OP”. Only thing Warrior is OP at is topping meters in easy raids - it is pretty mid in many other aspects of the game without a big investment in learn2play.

This is WoW, whatever is perceived as the blessed classes is always popular.

In Vanilla this took a while to get cooking. Warrior was kind of a miserable slog for a good long while and ramped up what it is in Classic over about a year and change - or around the Naxx patch. In Vanilla you stacked Combat Rogues and Mages for DPS. It was actually a surprise when the handful of geared DPS Warriors (almost exclusively former R14s) started topping meters.

I don’t know if the original team was thinking about “balance” at all, roughly half the game population didn’t raid.


I think their philosophy in Vanilla was probably more about class flavor than class balancing, like warriors should hit really really hard and rely on really really big weapons, while mages should use elements to control people, without considering how that would impact the game overall. Druid should suck at one particular role since they can switch roles, while they forgot that warriors can also switch to tank, arguably the most important role in a group.

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They probably didnt anticipate people booning a bunch of world buffs when class balancing.


I heard from an OG dev interview they based class balance off how often classes were being invited to groups. So pallys for instance got alot of invites (holy) so they never thought to balance ret. That sort of thing

Like playing Parcheesi with that one individual at the table with a spread sheet.
On Dot Matrix paper.

jokes on them come TBC.

oh wait

Lol yeah they stay pretty strong in TBC. The irony that it’s actually a good short and long term decision to go Warrior or Mage

what should people play, ret? the lamest spec of the lamest class with the worst aesthetic and lore?

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All things considered (and meme specs notwithstanding), Vanilla/Classic is
pretty well balanced. Think about the sheer number of spec, class and race combinations, as well as the myriad of baseline abilities.

Even though some classes are stronger in terms of raw numbers, all classes are viable in both PvE and PvP. It certainly could have been a lot worse.


Ofc not. Why make the same mistake twice?

Just wait until they find out frost mage dps is actually mediocre

i play a warrior, and i’m here for the warrior pvp and according to everyone else a warrior is “a free kill”

Ok I’m just going to say what I need to say and what y’all need to keep in mind. Warriors, since that’s the best class in vanilla, were originally designed to tank, they never were supposed to deal massive damage or be top parsers. Additionally, Warriors were also intended to wear full defensive plate aka their tier sets apart from tier 2.5, use a shield with that giving them and insane amount of armor, meaning little to no rage. Now the thing to understand about warriors, since most people had bad itemization and no idea what consumes even where in vanilla, many people had low crit chance, low hp compared to the average you see today and little to no attack power. All of this combined lead to warriors being a sub-par damage source, compared to its caster counterparts. Now this leads us to Indalamar (totally recommend you see his warrior video), the very first warrior to ever understand Itemization among warriors. he showed this publicly, and Blizzard nerfed warriors to be more similar to what they are today. Keep in mind Indalamar wasn’t using many consumes and had no world buffs in his video. Now get this, Warriors where never meant to have lots of rage. So when you combine a hard hitting ability like Bloodthirst, with a consistently full rage bar, you get a class that dominates the damage meter more than Eminem dominates the rap industry.
In conclusion, any other class but mines (Warrior) sucks compared to us.

You’d have a point if 98% of all of you weren’t so bad.


Idk if you played Vanilla or not but it was the exact same thing.

Every time Blizzard rebalanced or changed a class there were FoTM(Flavour of the Month) re-rolls and they were mocked by basically everybody. These FOTM players were chasing the meta the whole time.

Warriors were in a pretty bad state at the start of the game(No rage for parries/dodges, and some other rage related bugs) so the only people that were playing them were people that enjoyed the power fantasy of being a big dude with a 2hander or a Sword+Board.

Most of the people playing any given class as their main were doing so for the specific power fantasy of that class rather than because they were chasing meta. It’s honestly not much different in Classic except all the Metamonkeys are overloading the Mages and Warriors this go around instead of chasing a changing meta.