Seeing all these warriors and mages, people didnt want the nostalgia

I actually wanted Nostalgia and had a Prot Warrior in OG Vanilla but didn’t re-roll one this go. I wanted Dual Wielding Berserker Dwarf and I’d do that at some points during the instance run but then would swap to sword / board when needed. Never had a mage past I think it was 31? I was a Rogue / Warrior / hunter ‘Main’.

Any who, generalizing the overall population with not wanting nostalgia is pretty silly. If you take into account how many Mages are actual players vs bots…I’m curious how many Warriors are made they can’t DW 2Handers ~ I hate this in retail.


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If playing a bunny rabbit gave teleport skills I would be a bunny.

I could say the exact same thing about you paladins dude its not even funny how bad some of yall are, I mean ever hear of people who play Ret paladin

You’re onto something I believe!

All that’s needed to bring em back in line is the removal of wold buffs.

If you could go back in time and drive a Lamborghini or a Honda civic for the same price what would you pick?

Let’s not act like people hadn’t figured out that mages and warriors were good back in 2005.

Druids, warlocks and rogues were the least played classes for a reason.

Your a paladin… what are you talking about, I mean ever hear about people who play ret, and then bring it into dungeons. and dont give me the warriors suck at the game crap, do you know how much a warrior sucks without great gear, but guess what we still top the meters, because were better.

Dunno about mages too much but woyos only get competitive with glaives. Even then, they lose out on most fights in SWP to hunters and locks.

i want to pwn.

Rogues were the most played class on PVP servers dude.

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A drinking bird could be midway up the meters on a warrior dog.

You know what’s worse? Building a class that is good in testing only for blizzard to nerf it based on population to get all those people to reroll so that they can keep them playing longer rather than enjoying the class they formerly selected because its over nerfed.

Does this mean I think warrior / mage are PVE ballenced? Nope, but this is 100% better than the blizzard solution as indicated by SOD.

Interesting, there were a few rogues and thats true, but nothing compared to hunters, nothing else came close.

tbf pally is half a faction, the smaller faction, and they compete in population with other classes.

On Alliance for sure.
LoTR was still a thick part of the cultural zeitgeist.
You’d see at least 1 variant of legolas, aragorn, or boromir every day.

Exactly why I swapped from shaman to paladin. Its that good

Of my friend, hunters were overpopulated on horde too, literally every 4th player was an orc, troll or cow hunter.

There was a helluva lot of UD Rogues to the point that it was as much of a meme as NElf Hunters.

I love to tank, and I know Warrior more thoroughly than any other class. So, here I am. And for a third time, I’m having a blast!


Yes, yes there were, and still are.