Couldn’t agree more! I pop on WoW like once or twice a week and it’s been great to not feel ridiculously behind.
I don’t know what the rush is for everyone?
Couldn’t agree more! I pop on WoW like once or twice a week and it’s been great to not feel ridiculously behind.
I don’t know what the rush is for everyone?
Have you seen the playerbase crying about early Torghast?
These people don’t want difficulty, they want rewards.
I don’t care what the vocal minority thinks.
You are the vocal minority.
Am I? I was never once on here complaining about the Mage tower, Horrific Visions or Torghast.
These forums also don’t even speak for the majority since 90% of it is low level troll accounts like yours.
The game isn’t about you. You are the vocal minority.
Clear you just want to troll. Get flagged and ignored you clown. At least be good a trolling if you are going to post like that.
Nothing wrong with that op. Heck even if you do decide to comeback before the next xpac, if like previous expansions they will have some catchup mechanisms in place anyways. Next year just check next to the flight master in Valdrakken, and there will probably be a renown dude there just like in Oribos lol.
Nah I really wanted to get into this expansion. Gameplay is atrocious and archaic. The only thing that has really been bringing me back every expansion (even if it was for a few weeks) has been the lore. I had always been especially interested in the more Titans / Dragon lore of WoW, but omgggg this is so boring.
So far I feel like Blizzard hoped that Dragonriding would carry the entire expansion. It’s not that fun. There’s barely any customizations. I’m tired of seeing the same 4 mounts already. The Raszageth customization is ugly as hell. All of the primal incarnate drake models look stupid as heck.
Maybe after almost of 20 years of playing WoW on and off I’m just burnt out of it. I’ve tried taking breaks. I took a break for almost all of BfA and an even longer break with SL. It’s just dated. The classes have had the same abilities forever. It’s time to rebuild this game from the ground up, or just move on, Blizzard.
I’ll also be unsubbing and patiently waiting for Diablo 4.
I mean here you are pretending like you speak for all of us and claiming everyone that disagree with you is a vocal minority.
Can’t get more pathetic than that.
DF is the most perfect expansion. I challenge any of you to name at least 3 things bad about it.
Good luck, nerds. You can’t.
Last of Us hits pc march ( just a game on my mind , I didn’t play it on console)
Everyone would do that content, but lots of people can’t find a guild to do it. That’s why there is more and more solo player requests from the player base.
Id wager the same reason you felt the need to comment about how much you dislike it? Murdercarpet was right…any point you made appears to apply reasonably well to you also.
I care too and there is a lot still not right with this expansion.
I am not sure who is looking back on it fondly. I wont ever look back on Shadowlands fondly. Some of that is left behind but its pretty clear if you look further you can see its roots still present.
All the gating is still here and if there was no cap on progression of renown and it wasnt what it is with professions or gating of story behind renown…like Shadowlands, the average player would be done with content in 2 weeks.
The grinds are all still there. It is an improvement on Shadowlands but not as significant as a lot of ppl had hoped it would be.
Maybe you cant say ppl are wearig rose tinted glasses. but at least some people arent seeing whats really still here.
Hopefully it keeps going forward and the next patches are actually improvements and its only improvements but the vestiges of Shadowlands are still clearly here.