See! I told you guys about Torghast

Mythic+ was redesigned for MDI. It’s not even questionable. More attention is given to making keys harder, and trying to convince people who didn’t run keys to start. But the learning curve has been made much steeper, so few move up in the ranks. I guess that’s what all the carry spam ads are for.

Casuals may be the largest demographic, but they got dregs this expansion. LFR and heroic dungeons have been made pointless. Lots of random badly itemized gear. Next expansion there will be even less content for casuals. All the hype is around Torghast, how amazing it’s going to be to have unlimited difficult content that scales infinitely. Why would a casual even want to start that?

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You have described the essence of competitiveness.

I hate horrific visions.

So it looks like this Content is dead on arrival for me then.

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Competitiveness implies more than one player. Who am I competing with?

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It’s nothing like horrific visions. This is a soft timer per floor, with a rest area at the start of the floor and end of it. At boss levels it will be the hardest hitting version of any debuff, as it should. By the time you reach him, if we go by Alpha, you’ll have plenty of Anima powers to aid you. I feel like this is pretty fair. No hard timer, only a soft timer to prevent AFKing for cooldowns every pull.
Also, the debuff only stacks until every 6th floor (boss level) then resets when you go to the next floor. And you get an epic anima power, which is really gonna push your characters power.

Really… :man_facepalming:

This is what we have M+ for. The point of Torghast was supposed to be progression.

They seem dead-set on making it as annoying as possible before it goes live. :unamused:


Anima powers are being nerfed on live, they are overly being given out for testing purposes.

The addition of the timer, and knowing blizzard about adding some stupid tax item to get in, and probably nerfing anima powers heavily.

Nah. no. DoA content.

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and I will say this again

don’t say a word when others are getting the stuff they want in torghast, while you sit there and rant to Blizzard to “compensate or else!” stance

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You’re reading that wrong. 6% increased damage every minute that passes.
THe very first minute that you START, not when you enter (so likely the broker is at the rest area you start in every floor.), you have 6% damage debuff.
You burst down the boss with your crazy damage and crazy self healing (or both , you balanced your build). Second minute, you take 12% more damage, seeing that a lot of the bosses in Torghast have a lot of telegraphed abilities, this is only really significant towards their auto attack damage I’d say. 3rd minute, the boss is likely very VERY close to dead if not dead already. 18% damage, it’s basically the Enrage portion of a boss fight. And when you kill him, you get a big Epic Anima power and some loot. Then you go to the next floor, with a new debuff set at it’s lowest to start again. I feel like that’s pretty reasonable as, many people everywhere even in GD, have agreed the bosses are “easy”, when they clearly shouldn’t be. THis’ll make them a little bit harder, which is what everyone wants. A challenge.

Shadowlands = patch 8.3.

Not sure why Blizz believes this is the best path forward. They can’t admit a mistake it seems.

I feel sorry for the art team as they have to carry the rest of the devs again it seems.


Plenty of people that don’t want the timer in the Torghast dungeon. Don’t pretend it’s some highly sought after feature.

Horrific visions are awful, with zero redeeming qualities.


Sorry that was supposed to say minute. Still that after 20 minutes on floor 5 you have 100% damage taken increased. That alone makes that floor and possibly earlier ones harder than the boss given the time you may end up spending on some floors.

I feel like they have been nerfed already, as I’ve seen less and less anima powers on alpha. It’ll probably be around 12-16 Anima powers by the time you reach the boss, and as you’ve probably seen, that is a lOT to work with.
Also, you have the broker who can give you 2 MORE anima powers and a little bit more stats. Which is pretty damn good as well.
Also, the timer is only on every floor as I’ve said. There’s no timer to how long you can stay in Torghast itself, only the level that you’re on. So no AFKing for cooldowns and such (unless you think you can handle it, which is ENTIRELY possible).
And we shouldn’t even call it a timer tbh, because this is a soft “timer” that adds difficulty and challenge to the mode, which is what everyone wanted right? I’ve seen that bosses aren’t really threatening, they’re more like a patchwork boss the way things are now.

You really need to stop saying this. It makes you sound so snotfaced plus it’s rude.

There’s all kinds of people who play this game. I dislike timers so I don’t do some content.
I was good at the HV’s but became annoyed with the knockbacks and fire pools and stopped doing them. Does that mean I should quit the game?

By your statement, I’d assume so. Please stop saying that.


He’s been very trollish all night to everyone. Best to ignore him.


this weeks affixes in visions are so easy, including the mask ones that double them, no one should be complaining this week

I will never consider slapping a timer on content a productive change, it’s a lazy method of controlling the way people interact with the game as a whole.

We already have enough timers in the game. We don’t need more.


And then there are people who want everything handed to them without any challenges, allowing them to have a picnic between heroism cooldowns

Horrific visions, are awful. Period.

No matter what “Affixes” show up.

They are just straight up terrible lazy content.

IDGAF about what affixes are active this week, that doesn’t change the fact Visions are terrible.


I don’t like Visions. I doubt I’ll like Torghast. But for me it’s as simple as if I dislike it, I don’t do it.
