and the ones who say “I can’t” are the ones who ran vision once, blindly ran through Thrall/Alleria while standing in sanity drains, and thought the same as the ones who said “I’ll be back… sometime”
You are the one who is assuming they are horrible players because they aren’t obedient enough and masochistic enough to suit you, because they have the wrong kind of fun according to your standards (that you probably don’t even apply to yourself).
Perhaps you are as masochistic and obedient as you expect other players to be. Perhaps not. But your attitude brands you as an elitist.
Path finder is bad for casuals
Essence farming is bad for casuals
Horrific visions sanity bar drain is minor in the grand scheme
Are these your opinions or are you trying to put words in some random hypthetical stranger’s mouth, to prove you can make stuff up?
You’re going to have to choose whether you want to be a happy casual who plays for fun or an elitist jerk wannabe who identifies with the elites but never can be one.
You don’t get to decide what casuals think are fun and you don’t know what levels they played at
Everyone needs to stop using casuals as their scapegoats
The difference I think is because they don’t want to design WoW like a MMORPG anymore.
Why the sudden push for timers on everything…I have no clue why they think this works.
timers have existed even during vanilla, you can’t say its different then vs now when there was timers back then too
Enrage timers are different as they are single-encounter specific, not a timer for the whole dungeon run. And they are just a check for undergearing, not a gaming mechanism for “FUN!”.
im not talking about raid timers…
You’re only proving my point that the complaints are the reason blizzard is being forced into dumb decisions , same way these kinds of crying threads about torghast having a soft timer may get blizzard to change something about and screw everyone else out of actual good content .
So yea , thanks for providing backup to my argument that wow isnt a game that should cater to everyone , i for one unsub whenever i dont enjoy it and most people should instead of trying to change the game to their vision its that simple . Have a nice day!
The use of timers now is excessive. Not appropriate for a MMORPG IMVHO.
WoW had timers even as early as vanilla… or are you looking the other way when thats brought up?
For the Out of Combat dudes, they only come about when you aren’t in combat for 30 seconds and 45 seconds (depends on the zone).
Persopnally not seeing so much of a problem here.
The use of timers in BFA was excessive and I think it will be excessive in shadowlands based on what I see happening.
Torghast = Island expeditions/visions 2.0
People will hate that the comparison will be made but there it is. Blizz has painted themselves in a corner with this.
Your perspective is askew, but if it floats your boat, go sailing!
My point is that if you piss off your customers enough, they leave, and if you personally are happy when they leave, as it keeps YOUR game PURE, then be wary for when the majority leaves and your game is no longer viable profit wise.
The target demographic of the game is now highly competitive people who have to have the timer if they’re doing solo content. They don’t have an inner voice to listen to to tell them whether they’re having fun or not.
I did mythic+ in Legion, where good players had incentives to help players with lower keys. That’s been removed, and the cynical person might wonder if it had to do with someone not wanting lower skilled players to be helped by random strangers.
I don’t have a problem with a reasonable timer or limited access. So it’s not a big deal for me.
Odd, I’m not really seeing that. I’m not seeing the highly competitive players being the prime target for Blizzard. If anything, I’m seeing them slowly moving away from the highly competitive players. Because they’re getting harder and harder to support and keep happy.
I’m not saying they’re not A market, but they’re not the dominant market. The casuals are still the biggest market. And if they decide to abandon them, they’re going to be losing money.
And that’s just foolish.
I’ll be honest, after looking at what happened in Alpha…these seem pretty reasonable. You basically become really REALLY crazy the further you go and the more Anima powers you acquire. ANd with many streams/gameplays I’ve seen, it seems that around the time you get to the boss, they aren’t really that challenging anymore, which defeats the whole point of the mode. So with this debuff, it adds some more challenge to it. and it resets after every boss (every 6 levels or so) So that seems pretty decent. Let’s say you get to the boss floor.
- The first minute you go inside, you speak to the Broker dude and get more anima powers and some other minor bonuses. No stacks.
- First minute fighting the boss, you’re going to inevitably do a crap ton of damage because you have popped cooldowns. 6 percent debuff during this time, not to mention you probably have a lot of sustain type powers along with the offensive powers.
- second minute against the boss, 12% damage taken debuff. You’re on the ropes but the boss is probably around <60% health by the time you main cooldowns (not to mention the possibility of things akin to 2 minute bloodlust along with Ascension, not even being factored in) You’re be am bit more careful now, I’d bet. But you are still doing MAD DAMAGE to the boss.
-Minute 3. Honestly, I’m doubtful you’ll even get to the 3 minute mark with bosses. But maybe you had less damaging traits and more sustain traits (which… are still helpful. You get to choose between making a burst down build OR a sustain, wait it out type build because you’re a bit more confident even with the debuff about keeping yourself healthy.) by this time you’re probably gonna kill the boss very very soon, so the debuff nearly doesn’t even matter any more.
Then you reset your stacks and get a new debuff and an EPIC anima power presumably, to continue on your run. The big challenges are going to be on the boss rooms, like they should. Honestly, not seeing something too horrible here. Also, it is still alpha and if they continue doing what they have been doing this alpha cycle, we will see more tuning. ALso in beta, as inevitably, this is where more number tuning comes in. Persoanally seeing nothing horrible.
Honestly, I think these are pretty good. It keeps the challenge going.
Not sure how putting a timer on something makes it competitive. I enjoy the adrenaline of having a timer. Makes things more exciting and makes completing content a lot more rewarding to me. Lots of single player games do this. Sorry I don’t play the same way as you. Guess I don’t know how to have fun.