I commented on that briefly above. About how burning down bosses may be an issue for classes without DPS cooldowns. Like Tanks and Healers.
I’m paying attention because I’m in a small guild and our majordomo healer … its all she does, healing! So if the dungeon is rude to healers … she’ll have to rely on my toons being a beast and going with her.
you my friend are correct, put effort in, get your best cloak and enjoy all the corruption gear you want
one of the corruption buffs that increases your mastery, you know, the one that restro shamans really like because it makes their heals, heal higher?
thats just an excuse
it means he did his best for his raid group
but in 5-6 months, whoever puts effort in torghast, crafts their legendary with the best they can, will get in raid spots before the ones who “i can’t do torghast with a timer!”
Well that’s it if you spent 5-10 minutes getting to boss and boss may take another 5 and could have a enrage timer for all we know. So some of us slower players who just dawdle cause it’s fun to just wander off looking around it could be actually a problem.
TIOf you DC at the start of the floor you’ll be fine.
Middle of the floor, you still have your death counts. It’s not just one and done :P.
And presumably, these debuffs are UNTIL YOU DIE. and reset on death.
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Corruptions are nearly pointless for healers.
Mastery for Resto shamans only increases your healing if the target is missing HP. I find it funny how your trying to talk down to me like you know my class better than me, yet try to use a mastery buff to prove your point. 
It’s not one of our better stats, we prefer Critical far more.
Sure there’s a corruption for that, but oh boy, lets just pile on additional secondary stats. That’s Riveting game play and super engaging. 
Again, corruptions are basically pointless to healers.
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then the guy next to you who has a rank 15, 3-4 corruption gear will take your spot when raiding/mythic+
I meant in five months nobody will care that a person cleansed their gear and according to you were not progressing because they cleansed their gear.
You are very lame at dodging.
then id pick the shaman healer who has the crit corruption bonus before you, because I know that other shaman healer is doing his part to do his raid/mythic+
-gasp- gross! vendors
flexes corruption free body (take note ladies)
pvpers always talk about Rank 1, I thought that’s where I was supposed to stay 
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Oh if they reset on death then this becomes a total nonissue like i originally thought. and that is true dcs won’t ruin runs because of the death count, it does suck that the add ones and damage one will probably outright kill a dc’d player but thats still far better then dcing in a vision in my mind so i’ll take it.
Blizzard lost most of my loyalty with Warlords. I quit for all but two months of Legion, and about three months total of BFA. I’ve been playing XIV during that time.
Square might not be perfect and lord knows XIV has its problems, especially at endgame, but hey. I can have a house of my own. I can play any job I want on any race I want. Heck I can play ALL the jobs on one character. And they have armor that isn’t the same robe repainted over and over for sixteen years.
Blizzard is hanging onto my sub by a thread at this point. I’ve had my account since the game launched and even during the times when I had “quit” I never cancelled that sub. Because I do want to love this game like I used to, but honestly Blizzard has changed it so much it’s almost unrecognizable. Part of me keeps hoping that every new expac will fix it, but it’s two terrible (for me) expansions in a row now, and based off what I can tell so far… Shadowlands isn’t shaping up to be much better.
I won’t judge fully until I play it for myself. But I’m not getting my hopes up.
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I wouldn’t want to be in your group anyways? 
You’re alliance, yuck. 
I’m doing just fine without corruptions.
in 5 months the corruption resistance cap will be like 120+ and they can grab as much corruption gear they want, it wouldn’t affect them
over time those said people will be more valueable in raids/mythic+
Another valid issue. I have a friend who has referred to herself as a grandma player. IE nice woman, you just wouldn’t want her in your raid group as she couldn’t keep up the pressure.
She has things she enjoys doing, but if they have pet drops … she’s going to feel obligated to try and do it. As that’s her big thing. Pets.
Now … I do agree we need something to discourage players from dawdling too much. But, I’m quite sure the current system is not a system that’ll work in the long run. Because its going to negatively impact on numerous specs, numerous play styles, the works.
They also mentioned that if you die 3 times (and a DC will probably count as a death to the system knowing them) that there will be a tough mob chasing you to kill you. So a DC may still be a bad thing.
Well that’s it these timers do not affect classes that have heavy burst (DH’s) and actually affects slower based classes such as Holy Priests and Restoration Shamans ect ect granted we are getting alot of mainline skills back but still…
Also i feel that girl i will do anything for cute pet drops even if it means doing something i hate.
when all you did was 1 +2 and mostly non related mythic+/raids, of course you’re fine
you’re also talking as if you did said content when you haven’t 
You were replying to someone who said they would cleanse their gear because they don’t enjoy leveling their cloak, and you replied with …
then the guy next to you who has a rank 15, 3-4 corruption gear will take your spot when raiding/mythic+
… which is your way of invalidating the other person for not liking leveling their cloak.
My response was that you were too “TRY HARD” in your reply to that other person and that in a few months all of that work you are so eager for others to do will not matter any more, as we will be onto another xpac.
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of course it’ll still be bad but it won’t be disconnecting in a vision bad.
True, I’d hate getting a DC mid Vision. Especially when you have to clear 3 bosses and you’ve downed 2 already.
Exactly. I’m not sure I like some of the changes to this game. Used to be an epic adventure.
Now, it’s all sectioned out and even though it looks a bit different, it’s all the same thing.
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