I idled in M raids all the time
Or I just won’t do it like I don’t do visions
I idled in M raids all the time
Or I just won’t do it like I don’t do visions
Those are the people that didn’t guess correctly.
No, it’s not about effort.
It’s about them randomly changing something that has been the same since the beginning of time, and arbitrarily preventing you from interacting with all of the side factions on a single character.
While tacking them onto some cheap borrowed power resource crap again.
Covenants require zero effort.
From what I can tell it’s only mandatory if you want to craft legendaries. I don’t see anything about it being mandatory for anything else. And I don’t care about legendaries. I hated them in Legion, it’s why I quit two months into the expansion. I can’t imagine I’ll enjoy them in Shadowlands.
Actually 1 extra damage per minute stacking turns into 6% extra damage stacking per minute when you reach the boss floor. They’re made to be minor debuffs at the beginning levels but they reach their hardest version every 6th level (every boss level)
but after the boss level, you go into a new place, get a new rank 1 version of the debuff, and rinse and repeat, only with more powers including an epic one (guaranteed after killing the boss).
For some the bigger concerns are the tweaks they’ll do to the debbuffs over time.
Where they’ll keep increasing the difficulty of the debuffs, and end up with mid expansion you can’t play an alt because a single debuff will make it impossible to progress.
Blizzard has BIG issues with balancing things.
Oh, and if the maps ARE random, you could end up with a map you can blow through in 3 minutes flat or one that takes 8-10 minutes. Depending on how much randomization is involved.
I’ve played a number of games with randomly generated levels. I’ve seen some that are horribly balanced on how they build levels. I’ve seen levels that were 3 rooms and levles that were 30.
So … unless Blizzard has specific limitations and rules on the randomly generated levels … you could end up with uber-easy levels and bloody impossible levels due to length.
thats fine
it means you’ll be limited on corruption gear, and say a good TD rank 3 drops for you, you’ll just deal with the really bad corruption debuffs, all because you refused to even go past rank 1 on your cloak
Or just cleanse it, because corruptions are stupid and pointless, and it makes people who take the game too seriously angry.
Even so supposedly it resets at some point according to the article, and if not testers have time to give feedback saying no we don’t like this. assuming each floor takes 30 minutes you can end up with like 30% extra damage 15% less damage done and a dot tick that is probably overtuned right now or plays differently from its tooltip. Like the time needed for most of these to become dangerous is probably slower then the rate of power gain that players get from anima.
Nah there seem to be no requirements at all. If there were any require bits, you would’ve seen them NOW. If they suddenly add some arbitrary REALLY hard tasks, like kill 5 elites or something, then I’ll definitely push back on that.
But right now, there doesn’t seem to be any plans to do that. You can if you ,wanted to as of now (if rogues were available :P), stealth and sneak past every mob (unless they have super vision, but even then you can just run past), and progress to the next level.
then the guy next to you who has a rank 15, 3-4 corruption gear will take your spot when raiding/mythic+
Who cares about raiding or Mythic+?
The people that don’t want to force themselves through garbage content just to stay “Relevant” won’t care that much about either of those.
Also corruptions are near pointless for healers anyways.
One can hope that remains true. But … I’m skeptical. They’re going to try and add in things like quests later of “Reach floor 12 of Torghast!”
Or achievements for doing things in Torghast, which will no doubt include titles, pets, or mounts. Or even have pets be random drops. Which means collectors will either have to pay through the nose for these pets, or they’ll have to go do the dungeon themselves.
huh thats a weird way to do it, can’t say I like the later floor thing since my big concern would be disconnecting in torghast and disconnecting on a 5th floor would be far worse then disconnecting on a 6th floor. Also seems weirdly punishing for boss wipes since the first attempt will probably be the only attempt if the player is getting weaker each try.
I’ll be honest. I’m hoping to like Shadowlands but I’m not going to be surprised if Blizzard fudges it all up again with over-systemized gameplay and time gated restrictions on basic quality of life improvements like flying.
But I’m not too worried either way. If I don’t like it I’ll just go back to FFXIV. I came back to BFA to prep characters for Shadowlands and cause I needed a bit of a break from XIVs endgame.
I’m sure by the time Shadowlands rolls around, if it tanks, I’ll be plenty fine with returning to Eorzea.
And in five to six months it won’t matter at all.
I dont even get why rank 15 cloak is treated as a milestone. It is handed to you on a silver platter.
Spose this will get buried but did anyone think about other classes besides DPS?
It’s all fun and games to say “Oh well people will just wait for big cooldowns” ok so what is that healer gonna do lets just say they are a new player or are just not very good it may take them a few extra minutes to finish a floor. So 1% damage decrease per 120 seconds so after 10 minutes that healer or tank is gimped by 5% damage it may not be alot for well geared Healers and Tanks but what about newly dinged 60’s? or just not very skilled players in general.
What about wanting to explore to the whole floor may take 5 minutes with another 6-8 to kill everything.
For those who are rushers NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE TIMED some of us may just wanna mess around for fun on floor.
That’s never the kind of mindset any sub based product should be wanting to happen. They should be doing things that has you even forgetting there is such a thing as other companies that offer the same service/product.
They will do for tanks and healers what they did in visions if they have to.
Anima powers will do the rest.