Secret Forums Allegedly Used for Feedback

You guys are really surprised by a company having a private forum to communicate? Lets add during a pandemic with many employees working from home.

Well, I care as much about Blizzards as they care about my Discord.

So who should they be listening to? You? I think it’s a lot more complicated than that. Ignoring feedback is always a bad idea, regardless of source.

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We believe travelers on places they have never been…?

So… since the vast majority of GD have never done theorycrafting, or pushed high end content, we shouldn’t take their suggestions seriously?

Glad you agree.

WoW has been an MMO pioneer for its entire lifetime

This is unproductive.

The people, the ones paying and suffering because of bad decisions. “experts” are who you should ignore.

The point was that because someone is Good at playing piano, the reporter asks them questions of religion. We ask actors what they think of politcs, and so on.

The point being, to Paraphrase Venerable Fulton Sheen’s Essay on the topic, there is a limit to how much knowledge can transfer from one field to another.

In fact Venerable Fulton Sheen dedicates multiple chapters of the book “Old Errors and New Labels” to this very topic.

you haven’t played many games have you? or seen much media.

ever read the comic “battle chasers?” look at joe mauriera’s art (he made battlechasers). that’s just one. I read a lot of the stuff metzen does so I know what “inspired” him.

like the “mvp” fox wants to be let in to the super secret table, you want to be an “mvp”

quote my whole post:

Is he wrong though? Of course the MVP agrees with what Blizzard does.

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Class design and gameplay were fine in WoD, though.

The main problem with WoD was that there wasn’t much to do outside of dungeons and raids, something that was repeatedly pointed out to them by beta testers, including me.

But they ignored all of us, too.

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If certain people were invited to partake in a forum to exchange ideas, it doesn’t mean its a secret. Its just not something you were invited to.

All of this “not fair” “secrets”, “they are against us”, “spiteful” is middle school mentality BS.


I am sure the elite are glad you stick up for them so much, but the fruits of their (YES) secret (as in hidden from the public) labors are obviously bad.

The secret forums haven’t been doing a good job if that’s the case.

You do realize that’s really really risky? Ignoring your most engaged players is how you end up with a disaster. I’m not saying to listen to them exclusively. You want to listen to all feedback. But ignoring feedback is a really really dumb thing to do. Nor should you weight feedback either way, all feedback is equal. But to assume that blizz has been actually listening, when as pointed out, they have been almost exclusively ignoring most of the highly engaged feedback both in the back channels and in the beta forums is shocking to say the least. Blizz isn’t listening to anyone.

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Where on Earth did I even imply such a thing…? Seems more like you have preconceived notions and maybe a bit of projection.

Please refrain from trying to put words in my mouth.

Where did I agree? I posted more cons than pros and even left my statement off more negative than positive…

Is admission that this is, at the end of the day, Blizzards game and their choice (which is fact, not opinion) somehow now me defending or agreeing with them…?

I was pretty blunt with my post and weighed both sides of my thoughts on it with them leaning more negative.


Diablo Immortal?

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They were only reading their financial report on that one… in which mobile was the fastest growing segment.

The most engages players are the people who play for years and do menial tasks like transmog farming all while making friends. they don’t need to be puffed up, or treated like royalty; in fact they stick around when blizzard and their secret cronies treat them like trash.

Now THAT is who I would care to listen to if I was in charge.

both your actions and your rhetoric. I can see you got that green text by dodging and mischaracterizing.

So, for the third time, my whole point which you ignored:

These forums are just an INN where we common folk chat amongst ourselves in the company of an NPC innkeeper who isnt even present.'Noone takes these seriously. I don’t blame blizz.


I agree except replace me with you. :face_with_monocle:

Grow up. I’m not sticking up for anyone. Its a game and something you didnt get invited to isnt inherently a secret. YOU just werent invited. Its not a slap in your tender face. Its just not something you were considered for. Jealousy and Bitterness are childish emotions. Move forward in life.


This… is complete non-sequitur, I’m out. You’re clearly not interested in constructive dialog.


Thank you for your input everyone. Sorry the DH had to derail the thread.