Secret Forums Allegedly Used for Feedback

Look at the politics and views of blizzard over the past years.

them only listening to people who tell them what they want to hear is frankly the singular consistent thing they have revealed about themselves. everything else just seems like a jumbled mess.

Well thought out. Thank you for your input :slight_smile:

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Now you’re starting to get it.

I don’t blame them for having a secret forum considering that this forum is nothing short of being a cesspool.


The only thing that’s less surprising than the fact that these secret forums exist is the fact that Blizzard continued to treat all the people who were allowed to access said forums like human garbage because they continue to live in a world where they think they know better than the people that actually do the math for everything.


The problem with this is twofold (and prepare to get angry):

  1. The game has always been mediocre and riding off the coattails of all but plagiarized elements of other games, but it is now nearing beyond saving due to bad design and worse implimentation. These “knowledgeable, passionate, and well spoken players of this game” have turned this game into what it is today, and that is nothing to be proud of.
  2. you are an mvp here, of course you will bend a knee because you want to be “more equal” than you already thought you were “more equal” with green text.
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Its no secret that they consulted with high level theorycrafters, personas, and players before.

This just sounds like a more streamlined version of that communication.

Sort of like Eve-online’s player council.

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Looking at things objectively here, these forums have so much feedback thrown at the devs, most of it being useless.

People who know what wtf they are talking about having a much more selective forum to communicate with the devs, is for the best.

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Again, LOOK AT HOW THE GAME CURRENTLY IS and we can see what these people who “know what they are talking about” have wrought.

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You assume blizz is listening to them? That’s a big assumption.

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When the story first broke out did you even bother to see why?

Somebody leaked because since what is presumed to be ghostcrawler left, the private forums theorycrafters and expert players were being ignored by the devs, they would put out the information for them, the devs would only make changes on stuff based on what they already had planned.

But no, you completely misrepresent what happened to take a jab at players better then you, this is why these forums will never be taken seriously by the devs.

Look. I’m not in this super duper secret Illuminati forum of theirs so that can only mean one thing. All their ideas, opinions, conclusion etc. are by definition invalid and incorrect and they should feel sad about themselves for excluding me. That is all.

actually, it is precisely because the game is so lead astray that I believe that they are hanging onto every word of these “experts.”

Everything in history that was run by a similar committee of popular “experts” has turned out this way.

“they” won’t ever love you, you know.

Two of the best essays in existence are when GK Chesterton and Venerable Fulton Sheen took on the absurd worship of “experts” in the world today.

I can’t quote both as they are too long, but I will leave you with one quote from Chesterton’s:
“We believe travelers on places they have never been.”

Whereas based on my observations and conversations have come to the exact opposite conclusions. They discard the feedback of the ‘experts’ all the time because they want the game to be more ‘casual’.

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Tf kinda of meaningless response is that, has nothing to do with the situation which you completely misrepresent, either out of ignorance or spite.

Please don’t quote an entire post… it pings everybody you quoted.

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It be like that sometimes.

Remember that secret forum gave us WoD. not listening to them anymore is probably the best thing Blizzard could do.

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So the experts are trying to make a game in their image and so is blizzard.

Here is what you’re ignoring: neither groups should be listened to.

I gave you an incredibly Substantive Reply,

“We believe travelers on places they have never been.”

Hm this maybe the reason Blizzard stopped listening. The leak said Blizz started to ignore them in early Legion.

Ahhhhh I don’t care secret forums or not
Just give me what I can enjoy!
Thnx. :hugs:

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