Secret Forums Allegedly Used for Feedback

So becasue I don’t agree with elitism or ideas you pre-determined are the only way to go, I’m not “constructive?”

Hey! that’s how we got in this mess in the first place.

If somebody who pushes the classes to the limits is asked about how the class should be operating at those limits, it’s far more valuable then LFR Johnny who key turns and clicks his abilities.

The people who are performing optimally will always have be far more valuable insight on the classes and how they operate then the kids who don’t know they have combo points.

Oh, is that why the classes feel like they have been designed around sims and spreadsheets, rather than as playable parts of a videogame.

You are literally providing an argument against yourself at this point.


They absolutely need designed around their sim capabilities lol, do you understand balancing is a thing?

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projecting now?

here, I already discussed this with one of your analogues:

What really annoys me is how amazing they made warlocks in MoP with the help of players like this and then just decided to delete all of it the very next xpac.


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No because you’ve made assumptions about what I’m saying, who I am, and then respond with a narrative that is not a response to what I posted. If you had read what I posted:

Emphasis added in quoting…

I said you need to listen to everybody and give weight to nobody. You somehow construed that to meaning that they should listen to elitists? You also construed that somehow being engaged is being elitist… which again is non-sequitur. Just because someone is engaged doesn’t mean they are <censored>.

well considering the kind of things we see on the public forums on a daily basis, can we even blame Blizzard for not wanting to listen to us? :v

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No, your information is less valuable.

But in your specific case, of how you are completely ignorant of what happened, we are all assured of your inability to give constructive feedback.

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If the feedback on this secret forum led to the mess we have now and in Shadowlands, obviously the people invited to that forum are incompetent.


Again, the problem is that they aren’t listening to anyone.

Not the general playerbase.
Not the alpha & beta testers.
Not their invitation-only secret forum.


We all knew the devs had more private lines of “feedback”. Personally, I will take it a step further and say they have open lines of communication with specific players. I just think it is a bad idea due to how such a limited amount of people can manipulate the outcome. Especially when those select people have alternative motives for changes.

But in the end it is Blizzard’s Sandbox… They can do what they want.

You need to give weight to the people who actually know the classes inside and out to a T.

And get this “don’t assume who I am” dribble out of here, tf.

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Assumption is the basis of all thought. you are attacking me personally (implying I have no idea what I am talking about and should just keep silent) simply because I am taking you at your word instead of how you want to be taken.

hypocrisy still is hypocrisy, even if you don’t approve of being called that.

I wouldn’t have made any of the mistakes blizzard has. you are angry that I challenge your pre-concieved ideas, and you claim only people who already agree with you are “valid.”

THAT IS HOW WE GOT TO THIS POINT ALREADY. We already tried your idea.

I’ve done no such thing, you’re reading into what I’ve said. The only thing I’ve said about you personally is I don’t think you’re interested in constructive dialog. Please chill.


That would explain why arms warriors are always rage starved… Might look great on paper, but in reality the rage generation does not work.

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Sounds hard to believe we are just hearing about this if it started in mop, which many consider peak class design.

Is that why you decided to delete the part of my message where I quoted you doing it?

These classes seem optimized for a raidbots input dialogue, rather than to be played like a person.

Would be fine if the game had autobattle like all mobile mmos, but this isn’t one (I hope not).

No I only quote the relevant part. I consider quoting an entire post extremely rude as such I don’t do it. The forums are supposed edit that out even when someone does do it.

Also saying “do you realize” isn’t attacking. It’s literally just asking if you’re aware of something. Chill.