<Second Attempt> selling Heroic Ny'alotha Heroic clears

Second Attempt (of Sargeras) is offering carry services for Heroic Ny’alotha. We accept gold from all servers (please see details below).

We have a 100% completion record, and pride ourselves on providing quality, efficient carries. You are welcome to join us in Discord for the duration of your carry to chat, or AFK out during your run (while tagging any raid boss of course!). Our players are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding to a boss or the nuances of your class.

Heroic Ny’alotha

  • 12/12 Heroic PL - 400K
  • 12/12 Heroic PL (w/ ability to /roll on tradeable gear) - 800K
  • Heroic N’Zoth only (AotC + mount) - 150K
  • Carapace & N’zoth - 200K

We only accept in-game gold as payment, please do not contact us offering real money as it is against the Blizzard ToS and we will decline. We will take gold on any realm, but will add an additional fee to all non-Sargeras gold equal to one WoW token.

Our Heroic Ny’alotha runs are sold as PL with the option to /roll on tradeable gear. Loot funnels and /rolling on gear does not guarantee corrupted or socketed pieces; these are relinquished at the discretion of our raiders.

Sales runs are at 11:30 PM CST (server time) on Mondays.
Please message for availability as spaces are limited, as we do not overbook!

Please reach out with any questions and/or if you wish to book a run! Thank you.
Discord Contact: Indofear#9150 or Lige#4750
BattleNet Contact: Indofear#1324 or Lige#1110
Twitch Stream for Sale Runs and Guild Progression: twitch.tv/indofear

Streaming our sales and Heroic farm tonight starting at 9pm PST:

Sale Runs and Guild Progression: twitch.tv/indofear

Have a few more slots for carries on Monday. Streaming regularly at twitch.tv/indofear including the sale runs.

We have slots open for Mondays sale runs!

Still selling runs! Hit us up!