<Second Attempt> LFM Late Night Raiding

Seeking more talented players for late night Mythic raiding!
Keeping it up!
Seeking more exceptional players for late night Mythic raiding!
Keeping the post up! Mythics reconvening next Tuesday! We have a myriad of 9/13M to 13/13M players and we're looking to add to that so we can clear our Mythics, do some sale runs and prep for Legion!
We are back! We have a fresh raiding roster with a few old schoolers too and just started raiding again last night after not raiding for over 5 months since clearing 9/13M back in December of last year.

We are seeking exceptional players to round out our raid roster. Key classes we have direct openings for are a Death Knight, two Mages, a Hunter, a Rogue and a Retribution Paladin. Any other players that consider themselves to be exceptional and that are seeking to be part of one of the longest standing and premiere late night raiding guilds are more than welcome to apply!
We are back! Coming back from a hiatus where we were maintaining some top ranked kills! We will also be attending BlizzCon! Who's interested in meeting up and also joining a top tier late night progression raiding guild!?
Up for more talent for a late night raiding roster!
Seeking more talented players!
Hey-oh! Getting our feet off the ground! Mythic + and raiding tonight!
To the top!
Looking for more exceptional players! Dungeons and raids tonight!
Seeking more talented players!
On the hunt for talented players to seek top progression raiding
Looking for more talented players!
Keeping it up!
Looking for more!
Up up and away!
Up for more! Today is my birthday!
Looking for more talented players for a unique late night raiding environment!