Seasonal servers

The vast majority of players who did not play pservers stated that loss of characters was the driving reason they did not want to play…

Countered by a minority of players who love to reroll on new servers.

Except they have said that they will add more servers as needed.

BOOM you get your seasonal servers… Have fun.

Yes, and if you read my original post I clearly state that nothing gets deleted. Seasonal characters get transferred to a low-pop normal server when the season ends. The seasonal server resets and people can start a new character for the next season, or continue to play their character on the normal server. Exactly the same way Diablo 3 seasonal characters don’t get deleted at the end of the season. I wanted to avoid comparisons to Diablo, because that game is not worthy of comparison to WoW.

“as needed”. Have they said they will “merge” servers as needed, because I think a shrinking population long term is more likely than a growing population. Especially if they never add anything “fresh” to the game (like a seasonal reset).

you should watch the talks from the con… The classic servers is essentially a museum… its not ment to be changed, expanded or restarted…

if YOU want a freash start, i suggest delete everything and roll a new toon, there i fixed it… a whole new experience for you !

And people threaten to quit and actually do quit over flying every single expansion. That doesn’t mean flying is suddenly good for the game…

The customer isn’t always right, and lobbying for stagnant servers is, like flying, a prime example of that kind of shortsighted and selfish mentality.

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That wouldn’t be a fresh start. I’d be creating a character on a server with an existing high level player base, economy, and most importantly a lack of low level characters to play with. So, you missed the entire point of my suggestion.

If you haven’t played on a day-one server, then I hope you get the chance to do it with Classic, because it really is a unique experience that, in my opinion, is much more fun than starting a new character on a mature server.


As an option seasonal servers are a great idea. Can’t really see any downside. The characters that transfer off to a permanent server might disrupt that server. That’s the only negative I can see.

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no i dident, couse watching Ion, Omar and Birmingham, talking about this… there wont be any changes, restarts… they will have it run and try keep it as close to, in this case 1.12…

The problem is, Blizz cant really cater to each and everyone, individual preference… again we are getting a museum… if Blizzard cattered to everyones wishes to this, we certainly wouldent have classic… so if you, want changes, do it within the means you have at your disposal, but dont expect the universe to change for you…

Its a museum !, no changes

yea and then we have people that also want their server with just this little change

… and then they need to make a server for pve, pvp and rp, and in eu they have to make sure each and every server has right languages…

And it stops being a museum the minute you pass the authentic time period vanilla actually had. Funny how none of you ever seem to acknowledge that.

As for the “just delete yourself” nonsense… Surely you are capable of understanding the vast difference between starting fresh on a fresh realm and playing on a server already clearing naxx, right?

I genuinely think most of you people don’t actually remember anything about how late vanilla was… Pvp goes to hell as damage dramatically out scales survivability, the majority of the content becomes obsolete vs later options (like farming gold for a servo arm vs running dungeons, early raids, farming reps, or basically anything else as a melee), the economy stagnates with massive inflation via no real gold sinks, lower level crafting basically stops existing (like arcanite reaper ain’t HOOO!-ing in late game because it’s not worth crafting) , and people quitting as they hit their progression goals and run out of things to do.

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Im happy with the experience we get, if it were a earlier version of classic, even better, but allas, this is what we get, and it have been explained why we get 1.12…

is it perfect, nope, but im happy with it…

there is alot of crafting that you will allways need, cooking, alchemy, enchanting, engineering… the need for consumables, is a endless money sink… i also think you forget the repair costs people had back in classic

While that’s not wrong, it also ignores a few things. Most of the player base will never be hardcore enough to raid Naxxramas. It just isn’t something a casual player or casual guild can do. And even for the hardcore raiders, what is there to do when your whole raid team is fully kitted out in complete Naxx sets? There is only so long you can stretch that content. You don’t have the ‘endless money sink’ if you’re not going out in the world, gearing up for raids or questing.

Which is why people have been talking about Classic+ or TBC. Because, if Blizzard was going to do one of those, then they’d have to start thinking about it now, and preparing. Otherwise, you’re looking at the eventual stagnation of the game, with communities withering and dying as people just get bored, and turn to other things. And while some people no doubt would prefer to have their perfectly sterile Classic experience with dead servers that are never updated again, placed in a museum (and with just as much life as the other fossils on display), some people would prefer a more vibrant, living game, where there are actual communities, even if that means that it will no longer be ‘pure’.



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What? There is NO better way to split communities and make servers wastelands than promoting a non vanilla seasonal server game type. Oh lookie my seasonal toon I dont care about is transferred to a low pop server no one cares about.

Blizzard has a seasonal game it is called Diablo go play that if you want seasonal servers…

Ya, I guess I missed the point of your idea. And I don’t think it’s a good one now that I understand it. You’ve mentioned low pop servers as a problem. You don’t think this will cause more of that? If very few people are going to play in your estimation, and then you bleed some of them off for this “fresh server” experience, the servers they leave will be dead.

And why reset and move the characters then? Just start a fresh server once in a while (something that may happen anyway if the game is popular) and leave it be.

Yes, best to let servers die off naturally when the content drought sets in.

People are incapable of being rational on this subject for some strange reason. I made a similar suggestion long ago and got blasted by people saying they don’t want to lose their progress, start over, etc. It’s like they’re incapable of actually reading the thread and seeing a seasonal server is an OPTION.

Other than the characters transferring to a permanent server when that option comes, it has zero impact on the permanent servers.

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Why would they be “leaving” a server? They might still have a main on another server, and maybe they are doing end game raids that require them to play twice a week, but they want to start an alt. This gives them the option of creating that alt on a “fresh” server. At the end of the season they can transfer that alt to the same server as their main.

Continuing to add more servers will absolutely fragment the community. A seasonal design allows for fresh servers, but with a fixed number of servers, say 10 normal server and 2 seasonal. They’d only add new servers if the server capacity wasn’t enough for the playerbase.

For one, I’m not the OP… If I was designing the game you wouldn’t even get to transfer anywhere. You’d just get wiped at the end of the era and allowed to start on the fresh realm. I wouldn’t even make it optional a possibility… it’d either be:

  1. go to tbc and kick the can 2 years down the road because I wouldn’t plan on making wotlk-classic.

  2. eat the wipe and start over on vanilla

That being said, stagnation in this game DOES NOT WORK. It has never worked. It will never work in this game. Comprehend basic facts of reality.

So when you say “there’s NO better way to split communities and make servers wastelands” you clearly are just incapable of understanding that stagnation will do exactly that.

There’s significant logistical problems with trying to have it both ways.

Keeping the “stagnant” realms populated with active players would be a nightmare. You have no idea when people are going to log on, because they literally don’t need to log on for days/weeks/months/years. Then you have a long term problem of more and more piles of seasonal toon rerolls piling up in the nonseasonal pool of players…

About the only way it could realistically work is if you just started dumping people into mega servers or even region servers and sharding/layering the living hell out of it.

Easier to just force the wipe and push people to fresh, to prevent population fragmentation… Or directly follow the pserver model and release the “fresh” realms in direct competition with the stagnant realms, but like the pserver model your stagnant realm is going to be getting merged over and over and basically be impossible to sustain a community on to the point where it’s already effectively dead. Lightbringer lost 90% of it’s population within 6 months of Northdale coming out.

People played pservers as long as possible and yes rerolled when forced to not because they wanted to. Facts do not back your stagnation…

Also you have no idea what the plans are moving forward. Being hyperbolic over something that you dont know about and is literally maybe years down the road is hilarious.