Seasonal servers

you keep thinking “micro”, when you should be thinking “macro”…

You have that information entirely wrong…
Private realms where forced to move to a seasonal model because *gasp it was actually sustainable longer term…

Players on private realms where never forced to transfer, they did so willingly… 90% of Lightbringer’s population bailed for Northdale in the 6 months after Northdale launched… You can still play on Lightbringer… the players made the choice to avoid playing on the less populated, stagnant realm.

They’ve already stated their intentions on this issue. Their choice thus far is basically “do nothing” with a dash of “consider adding non vanilla content”.

Being ignorant of the way the game is designed, how the game functions, and demanding it be changed because you’re too damn lazy and self entitled to level up once every two years would be hilarious… if it didn’t also mean a mass exodus of players quitting over stagnation concerns and lack of anything to do.

Content churn is how this game functions, and again, “stagnation in this game DOES NOT WORK. It has never worked. It will never work in this game. Comprehend basic facts of reality.”


Yes, these forums can be frustrating. I feel strongly about this idea though, so I’ll continue to fight the good fight.

I am the OP. I don’t think Blizzard would consider an implementation where people’s investment in their characters were deleted at the end of the season. I also don’t think most players would be interested in that, I certainly wouldn’t be.

But, we agree, the idea of seasonal servers is to avoid stagnation by always have a fresh start available as an option. People don’t have to play seasonal characters in Diablo 3, it’s a choice. Diablo is a bit different though, because their is actually some incentive to play seasonal beyond just being something new and different.

Saying seasonal servers are good… claims I am demanding changes…

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Way to pick out just part of my reply. Start fresh servers if the game is popular enough to support it.

You can only play one toon at a time so if they’re running on a fresh server, they’re not playing on their old one. If the population problem is as much of an issue as you seem to think it will be, this isn’t going to help.

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Indeed and I didn’t want to derail your thread on that sticking point for me…but largely I’m of that opinion because of the logistical problems populating non seasonal realms would have.

The diablo 3 style model wouldn’t work for classic given the difficulty in predicting how many people would actually populate a non seasonal realm, and an ever increasing amount of non seasonal characters that would pile up over time getting dumped into the pool from the seasonal realms.

I also don’t think entirely separate season/non season servers would work either. It’s like the flight debate… The majority can agree that flight is bad for the game and poor design in general because of how it primarily exists to skip content, but offer them the choice between a flight and no flight server and they’ll overwhelmingly pick flight out of personal convenience. People are just too stupid to be trusted to make the right decision over the easy decision… and chasing after the whims of entitled and lazy is how the retail game has fallen so far from what made it great.

I’m not “claiming” anything, I’m pointing out your blatant hypocrisy because you keep ignoring how the game was fundamentally designed and keep trying to change it out of some pathetic sense of entitlement.

If I where running the project, at the appropriate time you’d:

  1. get FORCED into 2.0 /tbc
  2. get deleted to start vanilla over again.

I have no idea what the world makes you think you are entitled to more time with a character in classic than you actually received in vanilla…

You’re effectively asking for Patchwerk in Naxxramas to not have an enrage timer, then rather hilariously trying to claim “authenticity”… Time is a resource, you are not entitled to more of it.

You are not entitled to any of the following:
a mouse with more than three buttons
Anything other than a CRT monitor
2004 CPU and graphical power
No modern API

I am ONLY entitled to the game that Blizzard is going to deliver. It IS Classic, it is NOT Vanilla. What makes YOU think that YOU are entitled to tell EVERYONE else that seasonal servers (not something that has ever been done in the history of WoW) would be a good idea for Classic WoW.

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Try thinking of it like this: Classic wow is vanilla season 2. If you missed season 1, fifteen years ago when it started in Nov 2004, then August 27th is your second chance.
All I’m suggesting is to keep having future seasons but to make them more frequent than 15 years, and do it in a way that doesn’t fragment the community more than it has to.


A seasonal server could also provide an opportunity for Blizzard to do “fun stuff” with the community at the end of the season.

Imagine this scenario:
At the end of the season your characters are transferred to their normal realm. However, for one week (or some short period of time) they also stay on the seasonal realm before it is reset. In this one week period, Blizzard could do crazy stuff, like they did at the end of the beta: they could spawn raid bosses in capitols, give everyone thunderfury (or other crazy items), release the Hakkar blood plague in Ironforge, spawn a zombie invation, etc. Each season ender could be a slightly different experience. Obviously, none of the “season-ender” stuff (character progress, or items) would transfer with your character. It would just be a fun experience that would only come around once in a while, and it would give everyone the chance to partake in those experiences, not just people who were lucky enough to get in the beta.

I don’t know. Sounds fun to me, anyway.

FORUMS NOTE: Can’t post two consecutive comments with the same character, but can if you switch to another character? Why even bother with that restriction if it so easily circumvented?

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