Seasonal servers

Dungeon Finder wasn’t in Vanilla WoW therefore it doesn’t belong in Vanilla WoW.

Why don’t we just add in Transmog and Warmode while we are at it? Hell, at this rate may as well not even release Classic if we are going to start adding in features of retail into it.

Classic wouldn’t be Classic if we started incorporating features from retail into it.

This assumes if they don’t make fresh that your server won’t die due to people not wanting to farm naxx… Pserver fresh isn’t some corporate agenda it’s because everyone loses interest after naxx comes out because of silly itemization.


If you only ever play to play one character, and plan to start right around launch, then this suggestion is definitely not for you.

This suggestion is for people who want to re-experience that fleeting moment when wow is brand new. It has only officially happened once before, on November 23rd 2004. It is about to happen again at the end of August. I suspect most people don’t actually know how special that fleeting moment in time will be. This suggestion is about allowing future gamers the opportunity to see it as well.

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Sure but I also noted if there is a problem one can always open up new servers later.

They can’t undo seasonal servers once they start however.

I’d at least like to give Classic a chance before we dive into the fresh mentality.

Yup. D3 season should be ending. Think the new one is on PTR. Think I’m going to try a witch doctor next season.
Completed the season but didn’t push at all. Summers been fun though and she’s winding down.
We will have classic and soon after football season. Don’t forget hockey season. Basketball season. Then baseball season. Nascar season. Whitetail deer gun and bow season. Rabbit season. Duck season. Light saber dueling season…

I don’t like this part. Otherwise I’m ok with it.

Characters on a seasonal server should blink out of existence with the server.

And it should be absolutely clear to the player that they’re rolling on a server that will reset.

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I think fresh servers would fracture the player base even more. Less and less players.

1 life would be interesting, like a hardcore mode. I’d love to see how far I could get. But it takes so long, it would be very disheartening when you died.

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Honestly you find out if you’re a smash the keyboard gamer kid or if you’re a well adjusted mature adult… who walks away so you don’t smash the keyboard. lol
The worst is dying to a DC or the lag boss but it happens. All you can do is accept it.
HC makes you play so much more defensively and cautious. I’ve left greater rifts because I started feeling lag. Lol. It is indeed fun.

A chance at what? If there are fresh servers it’s because the game was success. Now people want to play through it again as a different class or faction, and progress with new friends or a solid guild they found on first generation servers.


Again, I don’t know how it was on private servers. If your server was a ghost town, where are you expecting new players to come from?

Imagine there are 10 normal servers, and 2 seasonal servers. Every three months one of the seasonal servers resets, so each seasonal server lasts for 6 months. All of its characters are transferred to one of the 10 normal servers. If your normal server was a ghost town, it will be one of the servers that will receive seasonal characters. Then you will have an influx of max level characters and you can recruit them for your Naxx runs.

Without seasonal servers, a player would have to roll a new character on your server (less likely if it is already a ghost town, people tend to prefer high-pop) level it up to 60, probably by themselves (so they would quit out of loneliness), and then gear up (which is hard when everyone else is already geared and doesn’t need anything). With a seasonal server they would level up while holding hands with other players doing the same thing. Then they’d be at max level when they transfer into your server and be ready to join your Naxx squad. Please explain how that is bad?

Why are you talking about dungeon finder? This has nothing to do with dungeon finder. This has nothing to do with any feature from retail. Are you in the wrong thread?

Sure they can. You just don’t make any new seasonal servers. At the end of the active season that server merges into a normal server and no new season is started.

Well, I can pretty much guarantee that Blizzard will never do that, for the same reason they’ve stated that they’ll never make “hardcore” servers/characters. If that is your only complaint, then just delete your character at the end of the season, fixed.

Where do you think new players are coming from then? The new player experience in retail seems horrible to me. Pick one of 13 classes to boost to 110 and figure out a bunch of buttons all at once, or start at level 1 and play trivial content by yourself for a few days /played until you get to max level. A seasonal server would give people a third option, of starting from scratch with a bunch of like-minded gamers.

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Not really a solution. So if you don’t agree with this stipulation, I withdraw my support for seasonal servers.

People will take advantage of seasonal servers in some way to get an advantage if they can then roll them to another server when it gets reset. I can’t foresee how they will do that, but people are creative.

Seasonal/fresh realms are an inevitability.

People are just too blinded by their own entitlement to see reality on this topic, and most of them literally vote in support of letting the game die outright than risk losing their characters, despite the fact that they still lose their characters if the game dies. It’s frankly maddening trying to beat common sense through their brain damaged little minds.

The entire game is designed around content churn. Once Classic reaches end of life there are only 3 options that are viable.

  1. Force people into TBC content

  2. Add new content

  3. Start it back over

Option 1 is likely, but some people will still want to play vanilla over tbc so it’s more of a distraction than a solution. Option 2 is entirely non authentic and people will lose their damn minds over it as a result. It additionally causes some big problems with itemization already being nuts by Naxx tier, and also is at best a short term solution unless new content is constantly being created. Option 3 is the only logical conclusion remaining. Time travel has a price, and that price in this case is simply your accomplishments during each “season”…

I’d add that people advocating for stagnant realms are directly asking for a game genie version of vanilla where they have unlimited time enabled, while rather hilariously also advocating for “no changes”… The Patchwerk raid boss is defined by his enrage timer, and each era of wow is defined by the time limitation within which it existed. I don’t think giving people a gigantic resource handout in time to accomplish things is the kind of thing that should even be remotely considered.

IMO… if you want to keep your characters, then fine, keep them going into TBC but you don’t get more than the allotted time in vanilla/classic than would have been authentic. If you can’t reach your goals in that time allotment then maybe you should just suck less on the next vanilla/classic season/server.

Finally I’d add… That private realms didn’t just randomly decide to do “seasons”. They did them because they realized it was necessary to keep people playing long term and that stagnant realms die.


Honestly I think we getting something inbetween. I think the 1st Gen servers will stay at naxx and open and not go down. I think after 2-3 months of naxx though they will launch the fresh and we can all relive it again and I can play this game into the grave like I really want to do.

I think a gap in logic between some is that having played 10+ private servers of vanilla, and the legacy trilogy, Classic is already another F R E S H for me.

I have a really hard time imagining how they could take advantage. The younger server should always have less resources to carry into the mature server. If anything, merging a seasonal server into a low-pop server seems like it would be a boon to the low pop server, unless the players on that server really liked being on a low pop. Not sure why you would want a “ghost town” MMO though. Sounds terribly dull.

One that comes to mind is pvp servers. You can’t transfer from a pve to pvp server, so you could roll on a fresh pvp server, then outlevel everyone to avoid the pvp battles. Then transfer to another pvp server at max level.

This is just me thinking for 5 seconds on it. If you’ve seen some of the crazy lengths people will go to for a leg up in video games, someone will come up with something substantial.

I just find it funny that even when I agree with someone’s idea, I get push back. If you want a fresh experience, why do you care about your toon getting deleted at the end? That’s the goal right?

How is that any different than people who are starting on a pvp server on Aug 27th? If you don’t start on day one then you are going to get ganked all the time. A seasonal server would afford new players to start on a PvP server where everyone was on equal footing from day one, just like people who started day one classic. Then seasonal PvP characters transfer to a normal PvP server at the end of the season when they are likely max level but relatively undergeared, so they get ganked anyway. Circle of life complete.

No, the goal is not to have characters deleted. The only goal is to have future opportunity to experience a day one server again. Not to have months of time investment taken away from you.

But hey man, if you want your characters deleted, nothing is stopping you, go for it.

I honestly do not care if people miss this opportunity and have to start on a server that has a lot of maxed out characters. I would actually prefer there to be some kind of economy to work with. Selling mats and crafted goods to save up for a mount will be difficult when you first start out. No one has enough gold to be able to afford much!

That fresh server feeling is not something that you can duplicate with anyone. Most of the people here have been through that and are not going to be affected. Those who have never experienced it will enjoy it I am sure, but really, its not worth resetting the servers.

I agree with those who say it would be a waste of time to level a character up and then its gone forever and you have to start over on a fresh server. And all to experience some fleeting sentiment that you have a new life? Really? Are you serious that a lot of people would actually want to do this over and over?

Are you guys not even reading the full OP? NOTHING IS DELETED. Seasonal characters transfer out of the seasonal server at the end of the season. Think Diablo 3 seasons, but with better gameplay because Diablo 3 sucks.

It just gives players the choice of whether they want to roll a character on a “fresh” seasonal server, or a “mature” normal server.

I can’t imagine wanting to roll a new character on a mature PvP server. You would just get continually ganked. Given the option of rolling on a day-one seasonal PvP server… I might consider that.

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I will never roll on a pvp server. And I also do not think transferring a level 60 is even a good idea. Unless you are forced out because of bad behavior. The community only builds over time when you have people staying on the server. What you suggest seems like something a shady character would do to avoid being blacklisted.

No thanks. I think they should just open up new servers when the ones they start with are too full and you have to go into a queue to log in. Then you can start your new character or maybe transfer one if you pay for it. Don’t think you will do that for nothing. Transfers should cost a good chunk of money.

What if all seasonal characters transferred to the same server? The entire community that was built on that server stays intact, and merges with the community on a normal server that it gets merged with at the end of the season.

That’s optimistic. I suspect the population will drop off fairly rapidly across all classic server. I think a lot of servers will end up deserted pretty quickly.

I do suppose seasonal character transfers would have the one drawback of name collisions in the merging normal server. If a “bad actor” seasonal character merged to a server where their name belonged to someone else, that player on the normal server might get some hate for having the same name.

I mean, ideally they would fix the name issue and do a battle-tag-like (#1234) disambiguator. Nothing worse than trying to find a reasonable name for a new character.