Seasonal Resets Coming with Shadowlands

Back when Honor Points were a thing in the past they were always reset after the expansion and converted to currency.

That’s to prevent players from grinding it out in advance and rolling players immediately without that same gear.

I don’t recall them wiping honor points at MoP and WoD launch though.

But yes we should have potentially seen this coming.

Oniana - as Korette indicated, many were unaware that late in BfA a currency other than Marks of Honor was introduced. As you could easily assume by my profile, I have been mostly playing Classic - not BfA. In fact I pay so little attention to BfA that I didn’t even notice your response till 3 days later when I returned to the retail forums to see if Blizz had decided to explain. So yes, I too, was unaware that Blizz backpeddled on its commitment to remove direct PvP gearing. The only currency with “honor” in it I was aware of was the Marks - used for transmog (of which I have very many). When the company has two currencies with “honor” in its name - and one is being cashed out - it seems natural that the company would WANT to provide clarity on that. Politely asking “please” for that clarification - as i did - is hardly a “demand”, is it?

So if I can make a recommendation to everyone in regards to Titan Residuum. They are awarding Silver…likely 1:1 so for every 1000 Titan Residuum you are only going to get 10g (even if they did 10:1 that’s only 100g per 1000).

Instead, spend 175 Titan Residuum to buy an item level 100 azerite chest piece, then vendor it for ~75g for the lazy route, or disenchant it if you have the profession and the extra time. Even taking the lazy route with the vendor, you are talking nearly 430g per 1000 Titan Residuum, or 43:1 conversion, which is likely 4300% higher than you will get if you let it convert on patch day.

So why are all my conquest bars empty now? I was looking forward to a piece or 2 of gear from that. I thought I had a few days.