Seasonal RBG titles

Hello everyone! I would like to shine some light on the reward system for Rated Battlegrounds. Some players may remember the seasonal titles given out from Rated Battlegrounds. These were: Solider of the Horde/alliance (challenger equivalent) and Guardian of the horde/alliance (duelist equivalent) these were added in WOD and were removed in BFA due to the current reward structure awarding challenger/rival/duelist. I wanted to see if any players would like to see this return, but under the current reward structure. For example, once you hit 1400/1600 etc you would gain the title Solider of the alliance/horde. I think this would be a small step in creating more participation in the RBG scene. Let me know what you all think <3

  • Ziffy

Can we nerf warlocks first

(I do think it’s a cool idea for the record)

Giving a reason to Q the different brackets gives people a reason to do so.

Can you imagine how much better arena would be if they made “Elite” from shuffle “Solo Elite” ?

Or “Duelist” → “Solo Duelist”

Different modes should give different titles.

Pve does it and PVP should too.


the rbg reward structure has so much potential with just a little effort

this is def a step in the right direction


Good to see ya again Ziffy.

Kinda weird how I don’t remember Solider/Guardian titles back in the days but I’m all for creating more participation in the RBG scene so don’t see why not…

Imo, RSS may be one of the reasons why RBGs are so dead that there’s really no coming back to it so maybe those titles would be good for solo RBGs since more peeps are calling for it to happen…any thoughts?


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Solo Shuffle has definitely played a part in that. That’s why I was thinking it needs some unique rewards like the old title system. They could even make new titles using the same structure (Legend of the Horde/alliance for winning 50x above 2400 etc) Currently, with RBGs being in the same reward structure, a lot of people including myself say “what’s the point I can just q x bracket instead”


Something that bothers me is that RBGs are the ONLY endgame content that do not have ANY unique seasonal titles.

Arenas have Obsidian Gladiator.
Solo Shuffle has Obsidian Legend.
Even Mythic+ has Obsidian Hero.
Raids I believe have the Famed Slayer of Sarkareth guild achievement.

What do RBGs have?
“Hero of the Alliance/Horde”
IE, the EXACT SAME TITLE as literally EVERY other PVP season.
Once you get it once, there’s NO incentive to get it again, making RBGs not a bracket that many people push.

Can’t Blizzard AT LEAST add an “Obsidian Hero of the Alliance/Horde” title?

Now granted, I myself have NOT gotten HotA yet, but pushing is HARD when there’s barely anyone queuing up!

(2s also don’t have a unique seasonal title, but many people do still play 2s I think, it’s almost like practice for 3s.)


I just think it’s a little odd if a lot of people want to play RBGs, but only if they get a different title.

If a PvPer truly enjoyed RBGs, wouldn’t they still be doing them? They get the same rewards as arenas (and they don’t have to do arenas).

If people find RBGs pointless without a different title, maybe they don’t enjoy RBGs all that much?

i would rather see more tmog tints and tabard or weapon tints /mount tints/ weapon illusions at diff bracket ratings then temp seasonal titles imo.

like make grinding each bracket worth the grind .

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I think a lot of people that play WoW are reward driven

My guild clears heroic and then everyone stops showing up, people get ksm and make an alt

etc etc

My reward is the friends (cheesy I know) but that’s how I’ve managed to do ~4000 bgs in dragonflight LOL

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I guess I’d prefer participation to be encouraged via better and more fun gameplay.

Rather than trying to prop up a bracket via carrots and sticks. (Kinda thinking of people who want to drive RSS players to 3s.)

Game is designed to be unfun nowadays

My friends are quitting and it’s causing me to stop logging in too

Too much CC

3s are miserable. I did a few LFG 3s last week. (and some 2s got my 2k! Hopefully 2100 soon ^.^ [sorry needed to brag a little])

I had one enjoyable 3s group I played with and they were running prot turbo

Absolute memers, complete blast, we made it to 1800, I was in tears from laughing.

Every other group just flamed me the moment a made anything resembling a mistake and my last group I was in was so toxic I just stopped applying to groups


1800 gaining conquest → “Chill games come play!”

and then they flamed me for not perfectly lifegripping a legsweep stun, kicked me out, and then sent me walls of ragewhispers telling me how bad I was?


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Wait, I thought you played arenas with bnet friends?

Thank you!!!

2s meta is hot garbage, just pveing people through all defensive cds is lame af

On a side note…


leme make this an imgur one sec

EDIT: well you got scammed imgur aint working for me

Was cute beach pics and a hamburger




Dear Diary,


wipes sweat off brow what a roller coaster of emotions… WHEW

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That’s actually huge with players. Look how many players push to 1800 just to get the full armor set.

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As our WoW Community Council representative, can you please ask Blizzard if they’ll do something about premade raids in random bgs? We’re only supposed to have at most 5-man parties.

Unfortunately, some players are circumventing this restriction. They sync queues, drop unsynced queue pops, requeue, and take synced queue pops to get their premade raiders into the same bg. Then, they roflstomp the other team, causing many players to leave the game and many pugs to join an in-progress, losing, and one-sided game. Also, bgs are starting with one team half empty because a premade raid decided to drop their queue pops that didn’t include all their members.

They’ve even formed Communities specifically for this unfair activity.

Why don’t you spend your time lobbying Blizzard to fix the hot mess that Party Sync is and stop Level 70s from coming down into low-level bgs and dominating?

You must be aware of the Party Sync mess going on in PVP. Preferred if it was not even a thing in PVP.

Low level is the lifeblood of PVP and if no players participate people don’t participate in Rated. Sort PVP out at all levels.

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Exactly like make for example a baby pink tint armor set and weapon set for reaching 1400 . Tons more ppl would que just to collect those tmogs . It would make ppl want to que again because there would be more of a reason and value for it .


i refuse to do any 2s or 3s it doesnt matter even back in bfa i found them miserable i enjoy rbgs more . Hence why i like epics so much its more fun for me

Not even close.

Retail WoW is all about endgame. It would not be worth it for the company to invest time/resources into an aspect of the game that no one cares about.

Yes but id rather see seasonal titles in rbg too. You kept hero of the faction. Can we have things like Obsidian Soldier or Crimson Veteran?