Seasonal RBG titles

Keep the way it is earned but make it nonseasonal. I put in a lot of work for defender and i want it back.

This is marvelous

Agreed. The gameplay component is an entirely different conversation. Positive change to the reward structure combined with gameplay improvement would bring a lot of players back to the RBG scene. I appreciate everyone’s response!


We appreciate you too Lady Ziffy o7

Way cooler than that brewmaster guy

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Agreed it is a completely different component, but an important one. Less new players coming through. and fewer players playing Rated. I still believe you should be spending time on that with Blizzard first, but that’s my opinion.

Most people fob that off as oh no one cares about the breeding ground of PVP. However it reflects real life if you don’t invest in the young ones the end game suffers.

can you also ask blizzard to do something about party sync bg at lower levels . in my opinion party sync shouldn’t be an option for pvp at all . All it is is level 70s rotfl stomping in new players . Blizz should remove party sync from pvp . Make it only for pve .

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well it needs to be cared about otherwise there will be less n less lvl 70s in epics etc