Season of Swiping

I guess you struggle a bit with reading comprehension. I’m telling you that, at least on my server, I can sell the minerals I mine in an hour for 20 gold easily.

citation needed

I wish I could give you more hearts for this, it’s even worse 30s vendor item AH 29s or 7s disenchant mats.

I’d be very curious to know what people need gold that bad for. Apart from the mount which you had 4 months to farm for…?

Let alone the need to buy gold… which I still don’t understand why anyone would feel the need for that… content doesn’t require you to min/max to the extreme, it’s level 40.

Dang, I guess ill never know what OP was sad about

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Its not the people who run GDKP that RMT. Its the buyers that swipe. The GDKP runners dont need to swipe , they make the gold from the bids of buyers.

Its interesting now that GDKP is banned conversations about how to make legit gold are popping up on the forums.

So because they banned GDKP they can never ever add even the smallest of gold sinks because you have the impulse control of a toddler and you need it now and that tempts you to buy gold?

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Ok. And check back in after you’ve done every quest and let us know gold total earned.

I don’t need to wait for you to reply to know it’s not gonna be the 2k needed for the Staff of Jordan.

I also don’t need to wait for any reply to know there’s people that bought gold before the extra lockdown measures that can just scoop these up if they want.

I had 1-2 weeks to get to 25.

And the BiS weapon for me is a BoE epic bow that on my server hasn’t even shown up on the AH, but I’m going to guess will go for a few thousand gold once it shows up.

Why would you need citation for this?

Its what all of you say when you need to use common sense instead.

If someone is buy gold and spending it all in gdkps and the other people in the raid are using that to farm gold what do YOU think happens when those people cant make gold this way?

Odds are some of them will go to swiping.

This is just common sense.

Im sure he cares.

While some reasons seem far less speculative than others.


Goddammit, I was stuck in my WotLK mode where you needed corresponding Enchanting to disenchant higher ilvl items. Thank you for reminding me this isn’t the case.

GDKP is back anyways so it’s all good.

The new GDKP is getting grime boxes from the raid and you sell them for 18-20g a pop to swipers via the AH. A bit more RNG but we’ll take it.


Blue post said it was because GDKPS and RMT are so heavily intertwined. Conspiracy theories are a waste of time. You’ve been told what everyone already knew.

Not really comparable. Gold sinks cause deflation by removing gold completely from the game, in GDKPs gold just changes hands.

People appeal to “common sense” when they have no evidence for their baseless claims.

You are an unserious person.

The reason given in the initial announcement was that GDKP erodes traditional guild and social structures that they want to be a big part of SOD.

RMT wasn’t mentioned at all.

Read it again. Like, really read it.

Read my comment again. I was referencing the initial announcement, which didn’t mention RMT. This is the entire section on the GDKP ban in that article.

“We are experimenting with a new policy which will no longer allow GDKP runs in Season of Discovery. While we understand that there are some benefits for those who find this a convenient way to gain gear, we also recognize that there are concerns surrounding the erosion of traditional guild and social structures that are a part of the spirit of Season of Discovery. Given the experimental nature of Season of Discovery, we want to try things without this type of transaction taking place in this game mode. With the launch on February 8, we will be restricting this activity. We will have more information to share on our official channels and will be monitoring feedback closely.”