Season of Mastery Name Reservation Details

That statement is not correct. How are you not understanding this?

My experience was on Whitemane. It was the largest server (I think in the world) and was absolutely crazy. at the peak it was i think 76,000 players with a slight Horde favor.

It was too big. But part of the reason it’s GOOD that we minimize the number of servers because it’s a ghost town now. I logged on and did a /who and only saw 30 people online out of almost 80k … this is a problem that does not need to be repeated by having too many servers. (and that includes RP)

Have a good night Imains.

Looks like Barman Shanker is where all of the RP-PvPers are headed

Only if they allow server transfers. Some ppl think if their server isn’t full it’s dead and then transfer off. Don’t allow players to transfer pls

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I’m getting the feeling you’ve never played on an RP server.
The RP servers in Classic didn’t need transfers on or off, they self sustain. RP servers are known to have a better life expectancy, it’s always been this way.
The community aspect is what people are looking for. The RP community is completely different than the non PR communities. Most non RP players choose to skip over RP servers and choose other servers, and that’s a good thing. It sucks when you are having an event and Icecoldbeer & buddies decide they want attention so they decide to ruin it. I recall jerks coming to TB and disrupting Sunday story telling, having to deal with that childish nonsense.
I doubt they’ll do a specialized server this time around and thanks for your efforts to make a normal server the place to go, that’s cool. Just trying to give you an idea why we would have rather gotten designated servers.


Just give us an RP & RP-PVP realm. We all know it will be extremely populated, evident from Grobbulus. I can promise that there is 6 or 7 guilds we met from the Season of Mastery Beta that plan to roll on this type of realm, just do us a solid and give us one or two RP-type realms to choose from at launch. <3

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I’d love an RP-PvP server!


Give us an RP-PvP Server.


lol… Hope we have enough servers. I mean they nerver really underestimated wow before.

I play on Grobbulus and the amount of ppl requesting an rp-pvp server is crazy. I rarely come across someone who actually rp’s with me a little. I get you guys are out there with me but the amount of demand for RP in the forums vs the amount of RP on Grob seem way off. My question would be who is going where and what faction.


If they just go on a normal pvp server though they can’t setup there ridiculous rules of rp or leave they would be at the mercy of the normal players and considering today’s player base definitely receive tons of inappropriate whispers just because they RP in a mmoRPG.

It’s a vocal minority. Most of these people will play a few days then stop. It’s just more community fragmentation.


That’s basically how retail wow is. This is definitely not too many servers. Only 2 pvp east and west? How is that too many?

you over estimate how many people will play SoM to completion. A couple of these servers will need to be merged.

Some people like myself don’t participate in the RP, but like the atmosphere and sense of community on RP servers. As well as the dedication to Faction balance. RP-PvP servers are the best communities


Everyone is so browbeat by TBC servers they overly paranoid about server health.



Don’t make us do this again.

Grobbulus became FULL in Vanilla and is still 12k strong.

There is demand for RP!


Yes, vocal minority.

We only capped out server population in Vanilla and are still up in the server list with High Population.

Very minority. Much wow.


THE VOCAL MINORITY HERE. Live in the now, get out of the past.

You are posting on a level 42 classic toon. Nuff said.