Season of Mastery: Blackwing Lair is Now Live!

I agree. Transfers may just leave servers emptier, whereas a merge ensures that people aren’t left on a dead realm.

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The spirit of SOM isn’t the leveling journey. By now everyone already experienced that with Classic. The spirit of SOM is an accelerated pace with an emphasis on raid encounters.

What is the point of increasing the raid difficulty and shortening the phases if you are taking your time leveling? You are not playing SOM correctly. People complained in Classic that the raids were too easy due to world buffs and years of knowledge. SOM literally changed those two points to give us harder raids and see if the WoW community was really capable of downing the content with relative ease as we did in Classic.

Stop trying to block access to the game. 100% quest experience is badly needed. I remember reading somewhere that the current rate only makes about a 10% difference in leveling speed, which is negligible. Doubling the xp makes up for all the time wasted running around handing the quests in.

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How can i possibly be playing the game incorrectly? Its literally open for us to play it however we want within the ‘rule set’. If SoM was ONLY about raids, why have leveling at all? Why implement a BRAND NEW soul of iron buff that incentivizes LEVELING without death. They also implemented anti boosting mechanics, another incentive to LEVEL as intended. I understand a portion of the community wants to think raiding is the sole focus on SoM but that is objectively wrong. We all are playing how we want and see fit. I am asking them to not force yet another change upon us that will further make this season nothing but a shell of the game. Giving people a 100% xp boost instead of 40 isnt going to help you all fill iut your raid. People arent coming to the raids because classic was never intended to have this rushed cycle with arbitrary additions to make raids “hard”. People don’t want that, or else they’d be raiding already.


You can play the game however you want but don’t come on the forums trying to scold everyone into assimilation into your belief system. Som is advertised as a fast paced raid game. People who take 6 months to level have no say in the matter because 1. Levelers who don’t plan to end game are completely irrelevant to the server population and economy 2. Provide nothing beneficial to the server or economy. 3. Leveling halfway thru the game compared to a fresh start has way less of a footprint on the server especially if you contribute nothing to the ecosystem. Unless you are fishing up sage fish or oily black mouth in bulk and putting them on the AH while you take a year to level then you’re just another number

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Your attitude is a big part of why SoM is less then people hoped, you’re the only one scolding people between the two of us. You will continue to struggle to fill out your 40m raids as you belittle anyone who is not a raider and literally tell them they are useless and insignificant, especially during a season that requires more consumes then ever. If raiding is the end all be all then people should have no problem devoting time to this already abbreviated leveling experience. Is someone who cant level to 60 with a 40% buff really going to contribute positively to your raid? Will they take the time to stock up consumes, farm their pvp gear or prebis if they cant even level up without DOUBLE xp? This is doing nothing but driving classic further toward retail, but it seems you actually want that.

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Classic Era no.
But SoM is a seasonal server where things are changed up a bit for a challenge. So you are incorrect with regard to the changed rapid cadence of the season. The SoI “buff” is cosmetic in nature and entirely optional. It’s but one of a number of changes and doesn’t afford one any priority or importance versus any other style of player.

Classic Era remains unchanged in this manner.

Bro a healthy server and game will not die due to a few elites flamers like myself. Stop projecting and play the game wether you are an irrelevant forever leveler or a raider that wants to better himself. Pointless post

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The amount of drop offs from SOM is insane, especially horde side. My server has one horde raid left. Atleast the 100% exp buff gives some incentive to try reroll, I wouldn’t spend the time releveling because of blizzards mistakes otherwise, I would just quit.

I think the buff to the exp and loot might be just enough to draw some players back in or those who are burning out might have a new drive to LVL another room or continue struggling through raiding because they have a much higher chance at getting gear for every 200-300g they spend on consumes every mc.

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Yea I already unsubbed too many people quit. Got some good games releasing this month



I’ll mention that to the raiders buying my auctions.





Jom best server

False, the answer would be Barman.

When is the experience bonus from 40% to 100% on the PTR going to be added to live?

My server is dead pretty much, but I still sell mooncloth bags.

Does the 100% xp bonus kick in February 10th as well? Would like to jump back in to try it.

There’s an 8 hour maintenance tomorrow, I’mma guess “yes”.

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Lol whatever, you ignore the content of my post while admitting you are just a flamer? Interesting tactic. Those of us who want to positively impact the game and community we love will continue to lobby for positive change and against being pushed further and further toward the mess refail has become.

You seem to be misunderstanding the broader purpose of this implementation of the game. If you want the true classic leveling experience, then go play Era. Obviously SOM is not intended to be an Era clone.

At this point in the season, the XP increase is necessary because a lot of people with 60s are just raid/pvp weekend logging, and others don’t want to start now because they feel they will be way too far behind. The xp increase incentivizes the creation of new characters, be they fresh or alts, which means more active players, which means better server health.

What other “positive change” would you lobby for in the context of the SOM model?


Looks like a standard “classic” community thread