Season of Gutting Specs

dude wrote a book… I guess I’ll wait for the movie

your post instantly reminded me of this brand new video:

h ttps://

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We cleared Gnomer every lockout, including the first, with a warrior MT and never had an issue. The real issue is the fotm chasers.

TDLR, fixed for you


you also forget that they are ADDING COMPLETELY NEW MOVES TO THE GAME. not just changing %'s like they do in live.

Lying is a choice.

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Off topic but dude I think you might have the worst named character I’ve ever seen in WoW history. Like kill on sight world pvp level embarrassing name. Just thought I would share.



I tend to agree with this tbh. Classic pvp is fun and has its moments for its really for the 1% of super sweaty gamers. For me i get enough PvP out of Dota and CS… I dont really need it on 20 year old classic wow.

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Imagine letting other people dictate how and what you play.

This game was already easy. Its still easy. No amount of unbalance is going to make anyone have to reroll.

Cry more

Shamans malding


lucky you can play retail which has a lot of casual pve for you to enjoy

this this is the way

this right here. If ppl stopped obsessing over what someone told them is an OP class or spec and instead played a class they just enjoyed, they might have fun.

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Diablo 4 died cause it was a bad game with no content and bad gameplay loop.

Sod is heading in a similar direction

Balance and class interaction are the second half of the equation. You can’t even consider them without the first half. Super odd you’re not seeing problems with the first half and only an issue with the second half. Honestly idgaf about the classes. There isn’t enough game to be played in the first place. If p3 goes out tomorrow and feels completed in less than 2 days. It’s gg. Maybe everyone else will stick around but I’m not. Tired of low effort no content games.

Ok, gut mages and priests next, ty blizz.

Then you guys can gut warriors after people realize how broken they are at high level, come later into phase 3.

Honestly, might as well gut everyone by like 25%, and the meta would still be super bursty.

It’s only “gutted” because there’s no mitigation requirements for tanks. And tbh this is a problem. Why does every boss die in 60 seconds. And why do they all hit like wet noodles. The content is far too simple to actually need anything more than a glorified DPS that has extra threat generation.

This is what I read

“I can’t one shot anyone in pvp anymore while brushing off all incoming damage like it never happened, and I can’t out-dps the other dps in my raid as the tank anymore”

Now that you have to play another spec besides enhance, what ever will you do?

none of my specs got gutted, maybe you shouldn’t chase what is perceived to be the best. aka dont be a meta slave in a verion of the game that is clearly squashing whatever that happens to be.

First time?

Only thing here that’s a laughing stock is your post.

Was going to agree with you after the first paragraph. However. You just come off as a whiner.

Play the game your way. Play your class the way you want too.

People don’t care what spec and class you are to do raids. They care if you are just bad though.