Season of Gutting Specs

Do you enjoy casual gameplay? Are you a dad or someone that enjoyed wow on and off for the last 20 years? Do you work a full time job with time to only play 1-2 characters?

WELL WE HAVE THE GAME FOR YOU “Season of GutCraft” . In this version of the game we will make everyone so unbalanced every phase that there may be a chance that your character will have to sit on the sidelines for an entire phase because the community deems your chracter so bad that you can’t offer anything positive to your group.

We will also make sure to overbuff your spec when we hand it a ton of other buffs while doing no math or testing on it. Once the info comes back from the best players in the world who break down the math for the company they deem what spec’s are useless in raid and stop bringing those specs.

My favorite part of the game so far has been the COMPLETE AND UTTER DESTRUCTION OF PVE DUE TO HOW THOSE RUNES REACTED IN PVP. I spend most of my time playing PVE so I could not care less if they make STV , if they make Asenvale or if they even reuse STV again. I DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME FOR PVP BUT PVP KEEPS RUINING PVE FOR ME.

I want to give a shoutout to the devs, you had some good ideas but your egos got in the way of testing, of asking for suggestions beforehand, HELL EVEN USED A PTR TO TEST THESE THINGS SINCE EVERYONE HAS THE WHOLE PHASE MAPPED OUT 2 DAYS INTO THE PHASE.

WHO CARES ABOUT DISCOVERY WHEN WE COULD HAVE HAD TESTING AND BALANCE. I do not know how many times I need to reference Diablo 4 and how it died from chain nerfs. Nerfs feel horrible and the fact they want us paying for 6 months of subs so they can just keep “tweaking” specs as they ruin the people paying for their online testing realm is crazy.

At this point it feels like theres no point in even playing or subbing until level 60. I again get HUGE DIABLO 4 VIBES HERE. I mean if you look at diablo it is about to hit its 4th season and THEY JUST have finally fixed all the broken things. Does this mean we need to go almost a year to get the specs in classic flushed out to be playable? They claim we get endgame 6 months in…how long will you need at 60 to keep “tweaking” specs?

Like how hard is it to hire a math student and have them math out these things so your “adjustments” make sense. Instead you see something weak you decide " we will just add 20% and see how it goes from there."

It is sad to see that this game that i and many others were excited for is back to being a laughing stock. Let’s not forget that the official place to check for updates is Aggrend’s personal twitter which he said he would stop using and never did…

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Sorry for your loss.

Or happy for you.


I was just about to type this LOL…

You have to start with “not reading all that”

Makes it 10x funnier


Ain’t readin all that but enh is fine you’re just bad (im assuming this is what your threads about).


Who knows… nobody in their right mind is reading this thread.


i mean haha i thought this was funny, then i realized that it hurts me to continue playing and following this game. But the fact is i use to enjoy it when it didn’t suck.

That being said maybe walking away is best for me and many others who have this issue. I will be the first to admit that. But none the less what the devs are doing to the community is not fair

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Would a hug help, friend?


My favorite part of the game so far has been the COMPLETE AND UTTER DESTRUCTION OF PVE DUE TO HOW THOSE RUNES REACTED IN PVP. I spend most of my time playing PVE so I could not care less if they make STV , if they make Asenvale or if they even reuse STV again. I DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME FOR PVP BUT PVP KEEPS RUINING PVE FOR ME.

This is not a shaman thread, i play warrior too so you can chalk it up as those 2 specs if you want. Also reading is hard but obv typing for you isnt LOL

SoD was going to be, and will always be, a cluster of whiplash changes as things rapidly evolve over time.

Have you never played Live WoW as it goes through patch cycles? This isn’t any different.


I’ll preface this by saying I know I’m in the minority on this.

I actually enjoy the nature of the meta being flipped about regularly. I find it humorous watching the fotm kiddos scramble about


I feel personally attacked.

But I agree, that I don’t give a damn what happens in PVP. If I want to PVP, I play FPS.

Shaman is fine. Devs actually did a good job rebalancing the class this time. OP is just bad.

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That’s weird, I just looked up the patches for Dragonflight , they are around every 3-4 months and i see minimal / no class tunning.

So how is SOD like “live” again? Live isnt gutting multiple specs/ roles every 2 months…

They gutted tank shaman is all. Dps shamans are fine.

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which spec are we talking about?
when shaman’s only viable spec is B tier healing and being taken solely for the raid buff we could have the conversation. but it seems like your crying over a balancing nerf.

I have tanked most of the time i have played wow, in retail i did a lot of prot paladin. in Classic i was a 2x warrior tank. This thread is NOT ABOUT SOLY SHAMANS. This also relates to them destroying tank warrior at the end of phase 1. Its also about my buddy getting gutted as boomy in p2. This is also about my friend who had a very tough time finding a raid spot on his rogue in p2.

You guys can troll all you want about shaman but look around, many specs and roles have gone from hero to zero in the last 5 months.


I would have rather been able to warrior tank in p2 or not have to find /tailor groups to play with my friends who had gutted specs. But instead i had to change what i was doing this phase to shaman tank because warrior was beyond useless

Duh. Nobody plays “Soly Shamans”.


Ya know, I was going to debunk you by grabbing a link to the 10+ class tuning threads for 10.2.x cycle, but you’d just cap and say they aren’t real changes anyway so I don’t see the point in giving you more than the last one which still happened 3 months after the 10.2 series stared.

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warriors can still tank, boomies are still great dps, and rogues didnt get their spec gutted(it was raid design). frost mage wasnt gutted either in vanilla it was only ever a MC raid spec because of resistances.
like 99% of your complaint is lack of scaling not gutting. nor is the phenomenon unqiue to sod. its been that way in every iteration of wow

If you play wow for the PvE I feel REALLLL bad for you, because there are so many better options for PvE in MMOs. WoW has the BEST PvP of any MMO so I’m happy that they’ve decided to make PvP a priority.

In retail they had a 5 person team from WoD-Shadowlands and if you couldn’t tell PvP was trash, this team seems to actually take PvP into account in its decisions, makes me happy.

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