So, there are supposed to be 4 realms for Season of Discovery. 1 for PvE, 2 for PvP and 1 for RP-PvP. There’s currently one labeled as “streamer realm.”
Are any of you going to try to log in right at launch, or are you giving it a few days?
So, there are supposed to be 4 realms for Season of Discovery. 1 for PvE, 2 for PvP and 1 for RP-PvP. There’s currently one labeled as “streamer realm.”
Are any of you going to try to log in right at launch, or are you giving it a few days?
There’s no just regular RP realm? That’s weird, but I do want to check it out. I was playing Hardcore but my internet connection has been a bit janky lately and logging into that with an unreliable connection seems like a recipe for sadness, so this will be a fun way to keep playing classic.
I’ll probably be a warrior cause I’m always a warrior but who knows what a warrior will become. Will we unleash the fabled gun warrior somewhere down the line??
I’m very interested to try it out. Like Miko, I’ll probably be playing a warrior because I’m always a warrior.
I’ll be playing. And because it’s my thing, I will almost certainly be rolling…
…wait for it…
…A Forsaken Priest.
(Squidward voice: ”Daring today, aren’t we?”)
For real though, I cannot overstated how excited I am for this. Vanilla WoW is my favorite era of the game and some of these glyphs are looking very interesting. It’ll be “season of alts” for me because I want to try all of the things.
I’ll be playing. Is there no OCE realm though?? Either way… this is looking so good
Rogue tank, enchant and herb – Warlock alt, Alchemy and tailoring
I’ll be playing Forsaken Warlock. Metamorphosis will be mine again!
RP-PvP is so fun in Classic. Tons of RP PvP world pvp events go on even before Seasons of Discovery. With Ashenvale being a zone just for that now. It’s going to be crazy good times.
I’m super hyped for the hints at the Karazhan Crypts being used for something. Be it a questing area or the dungeon fully realized, this is exciting as fudge.
if there’s no RP realm, I’ll probably be on the PvE realm despite wanting to be on the RP-PvP realm. I feel like I’ll get my face handed to me if I’m solo-ing RP-PvP and most of my friends are skipping Season of Discovery or have stopped playing WoW again until the next retail expac.
The Seasonal tab is now showing, and it looks like there is an RP-PvE realm! It’s called Lava Lash, at least for the moment. The top three servers on the list are all called A Realm right now, so it seems like they’re not done.
Guess I’m going to play in the lava.
Oh, quick suggestion for anyone going here - make your alts early. I seem to remember Blizz saying something about if one faction gets too saturated, they’ll close it so people can only make alts on the other faction until it balances out. I’m not sure if that’s only for the PvP realms, but better safe than sorry.
Was able to make a few on Shadowstrike, stuck on “logging in to game server” for Crusader Strike. Servers are showing as full already!
blizz tryna make me play the bad faction smh
This only lasted momentarily but this is for a normal realm so the restriction applies even for non-pvp servers
Saw they have an RP server. woohoo. I have warrior - surprise! Though this time I opted for a male Tauren, Kinar, and a female orc warlock, Kinarra. I am so original. lol
My position in the queue is in the low 6000s and I clicked to log in the moment it was available – looks like this is going to be pretty great for at least the first few weeks. A lot of people!
I have NEVER seen so many Tauren at one time! I was in heaven until I saw all the non-Rp names. Because a Tauren named EatmoreChicken never gets old.
Lava Lamp has a 39 minute queue currently.
I’m smoking chicken wings waiting to get in. woo woo.
Asmongold went to the RP-PvP server, just so everyone is aware.
Nothing makes me want to uninstall more than reading that sentence.
ETA: as long as he stays off the RP-PVE realm.
ETA x2: man these are some old school log in queues.
I can smoke wings, a brisket and scratch up some cornbread at this rate.
ETA x3: someone took Norman and now I’m just irritated.
We landed on a spice aesthetic for the Season of Discovery, so if you see a dwarven hunter by the name of Grains (of Paradise) feel free to give me a wave!