Season of Discovery Realm Consolidation

If blizzard don’t allow oceanic to crossrealm so we can keep world oce ping and seed servers for OCE/NA when needed then ill be quitting the game along with many others.

You’ve created this issue yourself by banning gdkp’s and we don’t want your bandaid fixes which result in destroying entire regions.

Either do it properly so we can keep our low ping / raid on oce servers but also group with na players when needed or take your mega server and throw it in the bin.

Also bring back gdkp’s for bwl and watch the player population increase.

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I like this decision, as I have no interest whatsoever in pvp at all… I still want an option that completely blocks every possible crap from pvp, including quests that will flag someone for it just because of the stupid quest…

Lol wth. Just open up free transfers to any server. First this layering blizz tech blizz came up with was altered phasing. That was purposely misleading. Now there’s new tech for this? That’s even worse and a load of crap.

I want to go from wild growth to a pvp server

LOL bro you gotta quit the game already, the sooner you stop posting the better.


It’d be lone wolf if they did that but anyway it sounds like they are gonna do a new server and give everyone a chance :dracthyr_shrug:

One question: why?

You just said in your post that most origin realms are healthy and all PvP realms have maintained near 50-50 split.

So. WHY?


Because they can shut the servers down after everyone leaves them for the mega servers.

This part is a lie…100% chance they come out with a post about how the mega server “worked better than anticipated” after some time, or some other nonsense and then close the origin servers to save $$.

Why does everyone think they are making new servers ? :rofl: It’s a merge to CS and WG!

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If they allow alliance to move to pve servers there will not be pvp servers anymore.

Daily reminder that oceanic does not want a merge with NA and that there are multiple solutions to avoid killing the oceanic region do not repeat the same mistake as you did in som.

Because they don’t know how to word things in a way that’s crystal clear. The post is ambiguous af…Which is asinine considering the impact of such news.


Every person on my server has no idea what is even going on the fact blizzard hasn’t even attempted to communicate/clarify these things is crazy.

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So it sounds like 1 new pve and 1 new PvP realm that have one way tickets to transfer into from all other currently existing realms (but have to stick to same server type IE PvP/pve)

Funny thing… many years ago a much smaller company solved that by including the old server name as a tag.

Daily reminder for blizzard that the oceanic community does not want a bandaid fix that destroys there entire region.

When they closed CB I took the free tranfere of my horde alt to CS which I have ally alts on, so I currently have both a horde alt and ally alts on CS.

More info please… both factions on the one pvp server? Please keep the names…add the server name to the end of it like retail did when they allowed cross realm. Will there be a level cap to transfer? RIP bank alts if so.

A lot of questions need to be answered about these transfers and mega servers. The main one being:

Will PvP/PvE transfers be locked to their respective realm type mega server counterparts?

Seeing the statement that the PvP servers right now are for the most part balanced imply to me that opening up PvP to PvE transfers would disrupt that balance, it would be counter productive to allow that and essentially destroy the faction balance.

I personally disagree with allowing PvP to PvE or vise versa unless for balacing reasons. Your first choice in game is what server and server type you want to play. There is massive amounts of time before you even get close to being beyond a point of no return (level wise) to swap servers and start a new character if you don’t like the type you picked. Most people already know what they are getting themselves into when picking PvP servers and that should be a permanent choice.

What’s so wrong with PvP people coming to PvE? I’m genuinely confused as if they have better gear or something… buuuut it doesn’t matter cause its PvE??? Their gear doesn’t camp you like the real WoW server players could haha