Season of Discovery: Night Elf Rebellion

She saw what the gnome airforce did to that zone in Northrend

And generally to their own homeland

How many times must Blizzard bury them before people stop demanding this race I wonder?


Amani not Darkspear.

Varian had demonstrated his control and acumen in dealing with the Ironforge Civil War and with Tyrande at the Temple of the Red Crane.

Varian’s personality change went unexplained in-game when he came ashore at Lion’s Landing in Krasarang. He was just suddenly a different character than he was from Wrath. Even in a situation where Chronicle IV notes the Night Elf ritual Varian underwent in Wolfheart, that would still only be external sources.


tbh a lot of Varian as a character happened off-screen in books/comics. We knew he was missing in Vanilla but then he just sort of showed up out of nowhere in Wrath.


There was a quest chain that tracked the missing King all the way to a Defias hideout by Theramore.

Yeah but you never actually see where he was being held during that quest line. He was being held on Alcaz Island but was removed in patch 1.9.

Also iirc, that quest line was added in TBC.


Finally, I’d say. Night Elves had this issue for a while, that despite having a very clear culture and identity, they were allowed to act accordinly. The way there hasn’t been expressive reaction from Nelves to outsiders showing up, bringing conflict, and destroying their land became sort of a tradition for writers. I’d say for most of this game, after WC3 was over, there has been a clear bias towards orcs and humans. That rebellion is showing some consistency in regards to how other factions contrast with Night Elves.

Still, calling it xenophobia, racism or supremacism is like saying native american populations were in the wrong for not wanting european settlers (who would end up destroying their way of life and killing the entire population) to live there. They have good reason not to want them there.

She literally called her murder victims “lesser races.”

Yea, that’s what I mean.

That bit is out of place.

It is those things, and that’s perfectly fine. It’s just fiction.


Lesser Races is the Kaldorei term for Friend, everyone knows that. :eyes:

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Jaina and the rest of the Alliance was not going around deforesting Ashenvale. In fact, all signs point to any logging as being controlled/with actual deals from the other Alliance races.

Exactly this.

Folks need to remember that this is a fictional world. Obviously racism directly ported into the game from real life (as in the Quashi incident) and using harmful racist stereotypes/tropes is not okay, that should not be continued and in places where those stereotypes/tropes have been used they should be removed or altered.

But sanitizing the game of all potentially offensive things, no matter how minor is honestly just sad. Being offended is subjective, it has everything to do with you as an individual or as a group/collective/society/community. Your moral conditioning and even your religious beliefs (if you have them, some people don’t) also play a factor. What offends you might not offend me or anyone else. So because some random person online might be offended, we’re going to remove content that most other folks either don’t care about or think is fine? Yeah I’m not okay with that.

Fiction isn’t real. No one gets hurt by a piece of fiction having some questionable material. You can simply choose not to partake and remove yourself from the environment if it bothers you that much, in the same way you can stop watching a TV show/movie or stop reading a book if something you find offensive is there and it bothers you that much.

Obviously, as stated in the first paragraph, there are limits to that. So this shouldn’t be viewed as blanket permission from me to slap however much offensive material you want in the game. But seriously folks, take a step back and chill. Stop acting like you were personally victimized by a Night Elf 4 years after the events of Warcraft 3 not being okay with Alliance races polluting and defiling the land they’ve kept pure and ‘mostly’ untouched for millenia.


“It’s okay when we, the races of the Alliance, do it.”

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Do I need to point to all the ‘Garrosh was right’ Horde fans? The ones who were perfectly fine with Garrosh being racist/xenophobic/supremist and wanted to purge Kalimdor of all Alliance races so Kalimdor could be completely controlled by the Horde?

No one is saying “Oh it’s not good when the Horde does it, and it’s totally cool when the Alliance does.” it’s something both factions have done throughout WoW’s history and both factions have folks that are perfectly fine with that happening, because it’s fictional.

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The ones who, rightly, get called out?

How’s it out of place? As people have pointed out with extremists Wardens in Wolfheart this isn’t even the first racial supremacist serial killer Night Elf in lore. And calling others “lesser races” isn’t a new thing, either, though usually exhibited historically by the Highborne before and into the War of the Ancients. Elisande was a Night Elf before her people transformed into Nightborne and carries on the Highborne supremacy:

    Elisande says: Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.
    Elisande says: Sin’dorei? Of all the elves, I thought you might understand the choice I made to save my people. Instead, you ally with misfits and monsters.


No it isn’t. Thrall and his followers only saved a single Tauren village in Warcraft III. There was no talk of the Tauren being exterminated anywhere in the RTS. Even Chronicle III's retelling of that mission covered that the Tauren always held their own on page 67:

    For generations, the tauren had weathered intermittent attacks from the centaur. The battles took heavy tolls on both sides. Though the tauren were kindhearted, they did not shy away from combat. They made the centaur pay for every unprovoked attack.

    Yet they had no love for war. Whenever the centaur appeared, the tauren opted to find a new place to call home rather than thrown their lives away. They lived in a constant state of upheaval, and they never stayed in one place for long. A year of peace was always followed by another of war. The tauren came to accept this great cycle of conflict as inescapable. It was the only life they knew, but that was about to change.

And then “Landfall” plays out with Cairne meeting Thrall.