Season of Discovery: Night Elf Rebellion

He couldve been in progress of writing his post as you edited.

Does not change the fact that I completed the edit before he published the post. He claims the opposite. Which is factually incorrect.


It’s just them framing valid complaints from the Night Elf Community as bad and wrong and should be silenced.

Same thing they’ve did with the Flame Druids in Cata.

Same thing did they did with Tyrande and Shandris from BfA to Dragonflight.


Ohh you mean the High Elves that decided to rename themselves to the Blood Elves… High Elves are already in the game.

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Indeed. Including the High Elves that did not rename themselves Blood Elves. And the Blood Elves that renamed themselves Void Elves.

Even the Nightborne’s former leader acknowledged this.


How about the Voidss who went to the barber, had their tentacles clipped off and dyed their hair blonde and eyes blue? And ae riding Silver Covenant hyppogryphs?


I resemble that remark!

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Denona is lying.
That post was not full of direct references whence I was arguing with her.

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The only one lying is you Dreadmoore. Anyone can check the time stamps and see that your post following the one where I directly quoted Chronicles vol 1 came 1 min after the edit was made.

The fact that you completely ignored me pointing out the time stamps is a big red flag.

What did you say to someone? That no-one should take them seriously because they are always lying? Seems that applies to you too.

Just take the L dude. No-one is buying your crap anymore. Are you a small boy?


I have major issues with people who announce themselves as “representing the Night Elf Community” They’re generally gate-keeping prigs who define that community as consisting of members with the identical mindset that they have regarding roleplaying and or the insistence that Blizzard is specifically targeting them for picking that race to play."

I say to them in general. Please get off your high horse. You are perfectly valid in saying that you have these opinions and and also valid that there are others that share them.

But don’t you dare claim to speak for ALL of us or even a majority. Not all of us are signed up for the Night Elf Victim Brigade.


Likewise with people like Erevien who claims only people like them are “horde fans”.

The idea of being a “true fan” while someone isn’t purely based on personal biases is honestly stupid.


Yes, on page 150:

    “The Lord of the Burning Legion was both powerful and subtle, and worked to corrupt the early magic-users, the Kaldorei. He succeeded, for a dark shadow fell upon their hearts, and they enslaved other races, the nascent humans as well as others, in order to build their empire.”

    Medivh sighed, “Now in this time of the enslaving Kaldorei, there were those with greater vision than their brethren, who were willing to speak out against the Kaldorei and to pay the price for their vision. These brave individuals, both Kaldorei and other races as well, saw the hearts of the ruling Kaldorei grow cold and dark, and the demonic power grow.”

The enslavement of the humans and others did not start until after Azshara had made contact with Sargeras, which was well after the Night Elves’ conflict with the Trolls. Medivh was also possessed by Sargeras at the time of telling all this to Khadgar, so almost a first hand account of the matter.


idk why but when you have a character who did the dead describe how ‘the dead was done’, I love that. Sargeras describing how he manipulated the Highborne gives me Sidious in Revenge of the Sith basically mocking his master over how his death was ironic and pathetic vibes.

I also like how he gives credit to where credit is due. He lost. Was denied his prize and yet he praised those who defeated him. Much like how Archimonde saw Cenarius as a serious threat in WC3 that needed to be dealt with asap.


To be honest, I doubt they enslaved humans or others were enslaved to perform real work. Would not surprise me if they were held as curiosities and maybe even Zoos by the highborne.
We also have one other account of enslavement of an individual by Azshara, although this is from before she became more detached from society or got contacted by the legion.
I’m thinking about a sea giant she kept in one of the pools at Lathar’Lazal, highborne from all over the empire came to the temple to watch it perform tricks.
Would not surprise me at all if they got even more into having so called “lesser races” perform tricks for them or collecting them for some collection became even more of a thing as their already large decadence grew since contact with the legion.

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I find it odd to consider the Kaldorei enslaving people even at the height of the empire. Given their extreme magical competence they could just mass produce constructs that did not require rest or food. It seem more their style back then to of just cast them out at swordpoint.

Which is why I believe it was done for fun put simply. We already know they enslaved a sea giant and had it perform tricks by a temple of Elune. The naga are slavers to this day as we’ve learned.
So either they just wanted some entertainment in either have something lesser and exotic perform for them(either actual work or tricks), or just kept them as pets, or as disposable workers.


You could say the same with the Mogu given they were using the giant 3D printer known as the Forge of the Endless (powered by the Engine of Nalak’sha). Yet they still enslaved the Pandarian, Jinyu and Hozen (then later the Grummles that were the result of fleshcrafting experiments on Troggs) to build mighty works that symbolized their empire. Such as the Serpents Spine and the Mogu’shan Palace.


Because WoW is a place with vicious creatures that will attack you for just passing though? And looking at ancient Kalimdor’s map there were huge areas that were not claimed by anyone.

Its not exactly hard to assume the early night elves went into these unclaimed zones and expanded while the Troll tribes seeing these upstarts try to build a new civilization deciding they want to take some of that sweet sweet loot for thmselves.

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I just posted a new thread to cover a speculative answer to this, as the post turned out to be rather long.

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Or as sacrifices to empower the Legion’s portal.

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