Season of Discovery is now a Direct Upgrade to Era

Now that they are actually changing base abilities and talents, even without Runes SoD is basically a direct upgrade to Era in every way.

What are your thoughts on this?


I think it’s still an exploratory journey to see what they can do in seasons and how they might apply what they learn to future endeavors. Namely Classic+ if it were to ever happen.


Upgrading Era was a good idea. That version is clunky af.

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I’m really excited, personally. I’m glad they are going for it. We already have era for a completely unchanged vanilla. Let SoD be their testing ground for anything they think could be a good change.


Which base abilities and talents were changed?

Shadow form, storm strike, feline swiftness among others.

Give TBC SoD pl0x.

add Belfs and spacegoats. Keep the level cap at 60 and seal the Dark Portal.

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what changes were made to them, and where’s this documented?

Well I love the way classes play. Everything about skills has been amazing. Definitely an upgrade. However I can’t play classic how I enjoy playing it. Which is a focus on PvP gear progression. I have to raid every 3 days, which is a far cry from classic. So much so that this isn’t even a classic season. I can’t remotely consider it that.

And now you can’t even level up in BGs anymore. So it’s more like a retail season set in the classic world. Which in and of itself is pretty interesting. But you can’t compare it to era at all anymore.

Unless the only thing you care about is raiding. Those people likely won’t notice much of a difference.

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Fine with as they made their offical stance on vanilla clear and I have something to link retail tourists all day.

"Blizzard is taking a lot of care in making decisions regarding these features because you can’t scale these features back after they are imeplemented. “People are asking for Classic Plus, not Modern Minus”

It’s not documented anywhere you just have to look at the talents or understand tuning auras.

Go look in game.


The changes are live in-game right now.

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Yeah, but i have no clue what to look for. The only changes I’ve seen have been to rune abilities, nothing baseline.

Shadow Form, the talent at the bottom of the shadow priest tree, Storm Strike at the bottom of the enhancement shaman tree.

I know where the abilities are, but I don’t have a shaman or a priest. What changes have been made?

Shadow Form has 50% reduced mana cost on all shadow spells, Storm Strike now gives a 12 second nature damage buff on target instead of having charges and being consumed after x nature damage hits.

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Ah nice, I’m glad they found a way to edit baseline abilities without affecting era. They said they weren’t going to change baseline stuff, because it would affect era, but it seems they found a workaround for that.

No, Aggrend explicitly said that they can change baseline stuff, but that it would have to be worth the effort. They never said that they can’t.

I’m glad they decided it would actually be worth the effort.

The possibilities are endless.

Nothing is impossible in tech for that most part but if you look at what they did it was a big spaghetti hack.

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