Season of Discovery is now a Direct Upgrade to Era

…where? What? Huh?

Is this listed somewhere?

People already answered this, scroll up.

Once again, if you log in several tooltips have been changed.

I’m sure when they release the patch notes they will be listed.

Whee… hunt and peck mode activated

You also don’t need to sell a kidney to buy a single potion on sod!

haha I kek’d

But Era potion price has been dropping really fast in the last week since SoD banned GDKPs.

Turns out lots of consumes prices are tied to the amount of bots on the server, more bots = lower potion price.

Some bots left SoD for Era, thus price of potions gets pushed down.

It’s a bit alarming there now deleting threads that criticize design choices, but that’s their prerogative. Microsoft might get a heads up to that one.

That said, it is pretty surprising to see them design a season that people who are already subscribed for retail would want to play. It would make more business sense to actually make a classic season that is built on the foundation of why people like classic. Most classic enjoyers are not subscribed. Or have subscribe to try this out and may trail off in this phase.

Instead, they are progressively eliminating the very foundation of classic in SoD so that people have to ride the theme park ride of their 3 day raiding cycle.

While I see how that appeals to retail players, it alienates a lot of those who wanted a classic season – which offers an array of ways to play the game efficiently to gear.

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I mean, that’s a bit of a stretch description for a thread called “SoD is dead to me now.”

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This does not compute. What do people enjoy about Era that is missing in SoD?

They’re not in Era either. Where did they go?

Such as?

I imagine playing other games. I thought they were taking this opportunity to try and get some extra subscription money instead of overlapping with demographics they already have subscribing.

But again, that’s their prerogative.

Well, the ability to stay viable in a PvP gear grind without raiding every three days. That alone completely flips things it’s back. And now you can’t even level up in BGs anymore. PvP is not a side novelty for raiders in classic. That’s what it is in retail.

Is there a list of changes somewhere?

I’m sad about the idea of this server being temporary now that they’ve made such successful changes.

I wouldn’t know, didn’t play SoD long enough to compare.

That assumes we’re never getting the complete PvP grind.
Can still very much buy the Honored such from WSG and the r3 stuff from capital city.

The 1.13 PvP added stuff didn’t get into Era until Phase 3 anyways.

This. Can’t seem to find one.

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Well not really but what’s the point of the season if 90% of it doesn’t incorporate this basic aspect of classic. We have raids, so there should be a PVP grind that offers you that stays on power with phase raid gear. It looks like the bracers aren’t even going to be added, even though they are perfectly in line with SoD raid gear. Not even a bone thrown. And to add insult injury, they’re not even going to put rank 14 gear in until it’s obsoleted by AQ gear.

I don’t know, I don’t want to write another dissertation on this again. I’ve done so many.

SoD is fun, but I’d love an actual classic based season instead of in-name-only. And I think they’re missing a huge opportunity by overlaping demographic targets that already subscribe for retail.

This… Where is this documented?

They did say they are working on a permanent place for our characters and they WOULD NOT be dumped on Era.

The popular assumption is they will make permanent ‘Discovery’ Servers and dump our characters there.

Just having fun not overthinking it

How much of Classic Era was there in Aug 2019?
1 raid? 2?
None of the bracers either.

(They’re added)

I’m pretty sure that was the point.

To try and expand on classic in such a way that appeals to classic enjoyers (such as me) who want more out of the game than the same 20 year old template that is Era.

I wouldn’t be surprised (if this succeeds like it seems it might) if this isn’t the beginning of them starting over with Classic and advancing it in such a way as to avoid the pitfalls of the original progression.

(I.E. Skipping making TBC raid needllessly difficult to attune for, RDF and lvl 20 mounts in wrath, BoA gear… etc…)