Season of Discovery - Initial Adjustments

Warriors deserve to be in the trash besides tanking. Learn your role.

Still lot of SoD to go, we aren’t even 1week in, they could very well add new range abilities tomorrow for all we know

This sets the precedent that classes doing 4x damage / 4x healing is unfun for everyone else. They touched your toy, now you are unhappy. The class is fine, and if you liked hunter for hunter’s sake this wouldn’t be “ruining” anything. It’s a nerf. We all knew it was coming. It’s here.

lol these nerfs to the ONLY pure DPS spec are insane TBH. Lets make the class that has 1 role be less strong? WTF is this design

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But nobody is forcing you to play bm and have that rune though, if you find it boring I’d suggest try something more fun.

Also as mentioned earlier, we aren’t even a week in. I’d expect more changes in the near future in terms of balancing. Very hard to predict what blizz has planned for SoD at the moment

dumb take tbh

That’s a big thing too, nerfing explosive shot to do AOE absolutely destroyed the single target damage…but there’s no other ability to use since it’s all tied to it.

Yep also the ranged Survival iterations with Explosive Shot were some of the most popular and beloved Hunter spec iterations the game has ever had. We lost that in Retail, and now we lose the opportunity to explore that again in Classic SoD.

The funny thing is, people think we’re dooming over performance. Hunter performance is going to be fine. It’s the playstyle change that’s upsetting. This essentially pigeonholes us into our most boring and passive runes, leaving us with a playstyle largely indistinguishable from era classic. What’s the point, then? Other class get cool new ways to play. Hunter gets boring passives that might just be gutted on a whim, and the only sliver of creativity seems to have gone into promoting a largely unwanted melee style.


Yes we knew Explosive Shot was up for a nerf, but there’s a difference between an expected nerf and a complete and total gutting of the rune that funnels Hunters into the most boring and passive rune choices.

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Glad you spent the time to say nothing at all. Wallow in sadness like all the other 1-button-heros in here complaining about not having the game on easy mode anymore.

I don’t mind the damage nerf to ES, but they need to change up hunter cause right now it’s just really boring to play. the “optimal” way to play right now is literally send pet and auto shot. No more cool flashy ability or change in play style aside from melee hunter, but honestly if I wanted to play a melee build why would I be playing a hunter and not a warrior/rogue?


Fix the broken quests.

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Here’s where I stand…I don’t care about the damage nerf to chimera, or the change to explosive shot (although it does pigeonhole you into one for aoe and one for ST). It’s fine, the ranged playstyles are many and varied, and their damage needed to be brought in line. What I’m FURIOUS about is the lack of melee changes as shown by the data mining. IDC if raptor strike is still tied to white hits….but a 6 sec cd still?? It makes flanking strike essentially useless. Add to that the fact that the flanking pet damage is bugged, as well as that it doesn’t seem to be normalized, so a 1.0 speed pet (which generally are the ones with the +10% damage modifierlike cats) are doing half the damage of pets with a 2.0 speed, and even less than the 2.5 bears). Most of the 2.0 and slower pets are TANK pets with -8 to -10% dmg modifiers. This is wonky design. Add to all this the lack of combat traps. As it stands, pure melee is pretty much dead. What the current iteration DOES do is essentially force people into maximum melee weaving. Just like max weave in OG classic. It’s super incentivized right now. Blizzard, and the majority of hunters, BEGGED to get away from weaving. Yes, some people liked it…but in classic it was a small enough dps gain that you could just ignore it and do fine. In this iteration it’s going to pretty much be mandatory. We wanted full melee, or full ranged, with the possibility of a slight weave spec for the people who want it. Not a garbage melee, a so-so ranged, and a god tier max weave.


Again, wasn’t planning on maining the rune, as I didn’t want to go down the marksman route, but plenty of people do. Typical of a mage to be this stuck up. I want what was sold to be the precedent, let people use runes as a temporary fun advantage in this season that is arguably all about the runes. Nerfs are fine, nerfs this hard this immediate when warlocks and paladins are crazy powerful right now. And that’s fine, I want everyone to be. Unlike you probably, until some insane build you like is nerfed.

Perhaps nerfing is an easier job than balancing. I dunno, just wondering I guess.

Warlocks need to be next on the chopping block. Passive Drain Life without a channel? Instant Haunt that’s basically a full heal? They’re absurd atm.


As a mage hit with an equally huge nerf to a new mechanic due to it also being way over powered, I’m glad its turned down. Glad you are resorting to class shaming instead.

Ironic since you have been insulting hunters.

Went way overboard on the hunter nerfs. Explosive shot feels awful. Gutted by 75% and turned into a weak aoe when we already have Carve to fill that roll if needed.

Hunter felt great for the 18 levels I played, but now its horrible. There are no good options on the glove slot now, only viable pick is Beast Mastery. Picking that though leaves you without anything to do and no buttons to press. These were extreme knee jerk, heavy handed, way overdone nerfs and they need to be re-evaluated.

Especially in a game were Chaos Bolt and Lava Burst were left untouched despite them one shotting equal leveled players in WSG.


a PTR would’ve been nice because stuff like this just has no thought