Season of Discovery has more players than Retail


I mean… the new talent trees are mostly a recombination of old abilities. They are good, don’t get me wrong, but there isn’t a whole lot new in them (besides making decisions between combos of old stuff and what to opt out of).

I’m talking about things like making classes or specs capable of things they weren’t capable of before. Making low level raids out of areas that didn’t use to be raids… stuff like that is interesting and fun as a pass time.

The formula of retail is heavily set as we are, not a lot has changed in terms of what you’re going to expect from a given season since legion now. Ideas like what is happening in SoD breath life into an otherwise stale recipe. If you’re happy repeating that recipe I can see how you would consider that a waste of time - I love new stuff to learn and try.

Who cares both games may as well be niche anyways, Blizzard killed WoW a long time ago not sure which year you’re in but it’s not the popular game it used to be by comparison to at least 25 other games.

In what way does that affect your day to day experience in WoW, where server-specific populations are the only thing that affect how many people you interact with?

Well i know i’m shocked, people are playing something new when things are slow in retail.

Anyone else completely amazed by this? Anyone else think SoD will be around in 19 years?

No matter how long it’s still around for, I will be advocating for the Redemption Story that Arthas is owed.


IM still amazed garmuck still posting.

if people like classic, cool. If people like retail, cool. I never get why some people like to rip apart what other people like. We all like different things and I think it is awesome that there are different options for people to play. But I also feel like nothing blizzard ever do will make people happy. some people are not happy unless they are complaining.

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the commitment to trolling is strong with him

Huh, I dont understand what the attraction is. At the end of the day its still just classic with some added items and abilities right?

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Do you really think Arthas could possibly have a redemption arc? What would it look like? He is a mass murderer on a scale of the top ones in earths history, i’m not sure it’s possible to tell a story where he is redeemed in any sort of way.

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Retail has more players.

Arthas is overrated, what we really need is a Sylvanas redemption arc. She helped the night elves get a cool new city that looks like it’s probably going to be better than Darnassus (not that that’s saying much), she barely did anything wrong, etc.

I do think Sylvanas was done dirty to shoehorn in the Jailer (quite possibly the worst villain EVER in the history of all fantasy/science fiction). I wouldn’t mind seeing her get a redemption arc even though she too is a mass murderer.

I think folks love Arthas and i get it, i just think it’s VERY DANGEROUS to even consider any redemption arc for him. I think his story is complete and let it lie where it is.

Yes, I do.

I’ve already come up with several arcs it could have, all by my lonesome. Now, granted, yeah I do write/publish/blahblah, but I ain’t Blizz. So, if I can do it (which I have), then so can they.

Besides, his backstory negates all that… ppluuuss… PLUS… he was being driven insane, which some of y’all seem to forget.

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Didn’t retail just have a content patch a couple weeks ago? If it’s slow now, that can’t be good lol.

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A low-level dungeon dressed up as a raid is still just a low-level dungeon. Allowing more players to enter at one time doesn’t really change anything other than yes, it’s now technically a raid because that’s what you call any group larger than 5 players.

Anyway, I think it’s a fair point that retail also gets new stuff and that it’s generally permanent. I don’t think that makes it any less novel than the approach they’re taking with Classic. Something doesn’t have to be temporary for it to be appealing.

I dunno, I disagree with the notion that a story/character is ‘destroyed’ if it isn’t written the way someone else wants them to do it.

People have historically shown they will go for the new shiny over the slightly used shiny ALMOST ALWAYS. The reality is that the race for world first is over and most folks have time to play SoD.

Does it matter either way? Not at all, folks will play SoD and then get tired of the shiny there too and play one or the other or both or neither.

I don’t think most folks forget this, i think it’s difficult to say where the line is drawn. Where do you say he lost his ability to make his own decisions good or bad and where does his “insanity” take over? It’s an extremely slippery slope for Blizzard to try to tackle and have it make sense in a larger manner to all the killing he did and destruction of his relationship with family and Uther etc. etc. etc…

I just think it’s better to let Arthas lie where his story ended, not all characters need to go on forever or are meant to be prolonged. If everyone just came back and had redemption arcs then there is no danger to any characters.

I equate classic to eating a bowl of noodles with you bare hands when there’s a fork sitting next to you. It simply doesn’t make sense. That being said, I very sadly agree that it really does feel like there’s no one playing. It is still taking me a half hour to put groups together for keys. It sucks.

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This means nothing as nearly every major city in retail is connected to give the ILLUSION of crowds.