Season of Discovery Developer Update - Feb 27, 2024

if u quit because of a raid size you are soft. It really barely affects anyone in the grand scheme of things in a negative way other than “BUT TIS COOL HAVING A BIG RAID! >:(”

These are encouraging changes. I am happy to see the team is working to make SOD more engaging and a unique experience for Classic players. My only two points of feedback at this time are:

1. Communicate Long-Term Class Concepts Please

The blurb on long-term thoughts for itemization is a nice peak-behind-the-curtain on what things you are thinking about. I’d love to see the same kind of explanation regarding the late-phase plans for class concepts. What are these classes supposed to look like at 60? What direction are you trying to push each spec in? Is there Classic/Retail version of these classes that we should envision? Something entirely different? Is the “hybrid tax” even a legitimate discussion? What about limitations? What can’t you do in the Vanilla engine space?

There have been some good balance changes recently, but there has also been some decisions that makes me curious what the long-term goals are for classes. Like why give Hunters a Dual-Wield rune when polearms are being neglected and historically itemized for Hunters. What are Shamans supposed to end up being? They didn’t even have later phase runes datamined. Their split interest in AP and SP, with dated imbue design, made Lava Lash an odd choice to hard commit to for SOD.

There is a lot of fog over what classes are supposed to be like at 60. Any long-term vision would be appealing information to know.

2. Don’t lose sight of the core principles

Discourse over SOD is unfortunately limited by a binary debate on Classic and Retail. Too many people struggle to visualize a WoW that exists outside of changes that make the game feel more Classic or Retail. Instead of losing the forest for the trees, I hope the team continues to stay true to the principle SOD is built off of:

“Keep the player grounded in the world and make the world impactful/meaningful”

This doesn’t mean we can’t have changes. It doesn’t mean every change makes the game Retail. Hard truths players will have to accept regarding SOD and a hopeful Classic+ are that:

  • SOD is neither Classic Vanilla nor Retail. Changes will happen and should happen based on what is best for SOD.

  • Not every change in Retail was bad. Many happened for understandable reasons. The focus of the SOD devs should be on how changes fit within the principle listed above. The intent can be the same as Retail without the execution being the exact same.

Let the Era and Retail players go play their version of the game. Let’s make SOD a unique, third entity. I’m optimistic for the later phases!

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While they may keep some raids at 40 mans, i highly doubt the popation of most servers will partake in them. People dont have the time anymore to wait to get 40 people together, let alone coordinated, as well as the amount of overlapping that would occur in a voice chat channel. It is simply unreasonable to expect them to maintain that setting.

More gold and faster leveling? Amen.

Leveling is slow and boring, doubling the xp is a great idea. Plus gold increase for quests? Hell yea.

Now they just gotta get it together and add dual spec.

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They have not tested it in the format of classic style WoW which this is.

I agree with you if this was normal classic but it’s not. Its SEASON of discovery. It’s a limited time event in which they are testing things out. They are not interested in keeping things balanced in terms of player experience. They want as many people as possible testing out the raids/events at max level so they can get feedback on what does/doesn’t work.

Make all the dungeons ten men. it’s easier to gather and quite honestly it can be tinkered to the level of a team man yet remain just as hard. it would also free the team up to start thinking about expanding Azeroth. maybe add two or three zones on the edge of the two continents that would add just 5 levels max. we could get new quests, and new abilities not in the TBC talent trees… this is what people truly want. New WoW content and new dungeons that would add to and play under the rules of the old game. when building the zones and a few dungeons think to yourself selves how would they have done it the first time through with no TBC added… you can also have a few zones off of the other continent with its dungeons… so 4 zones to get to level 65 with 4 new dungeons.

You lost faith in the leveling process faster than retail did. Grats.

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I don’t like the free gold and XP buffs. Please stop making the game easier and shorter. That’s exactly what you did with retail and we know where that ended up. I’m here to play classic because I enjoy spending time in the game and I enjoy things to be some work. Skipping me to the end for free will just make me quit.

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then go play classic. SoD is a temporary gamemode so it should be adjusted so people that want to play alts have fun.

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if it is really meant to be for ultra casuals or “anything is okay because its a temp game mode” Then why level up at all? they should just let us choose our level in character select, come with all flighpaths etc.


I’m keen for 40man. I returned to wow hoping to play 40man raids again. I’ve organised it before and yes it can be a nightmare but it’s nostalgic and 25 man raids after that is just not the same.

Wonder if you can have an option for 20 or 40 man on the same raids with maybe 40man have just a slightly better loot pool? Or come up with a new raid that will have the 10 or 20 man raid and keep the old raids as the original 40man?


At this point, there is no 20 man version.
which I personally am fine with, but just know that if there is 2 options and 1 has items that are even +1 stamina better, people will exclusively run the one with better items.

ZG and AQ20 say different. Thanks.

Why even level just auto move everyone to the next level cap if you want people playing alts so much

Healers need a lot of loves… exept preist. All other heals are unfun to play and do not even get close in power to priest. I play mostly resto sham so here what it need to be good.
Riptide and a higher range on chain heal chains.

No instant heals make them bad both in pvp and pve.

Chain heal is good but it a roll of the dice if it will chain or not atm.

Even with those 2 it would not even get close to priest power but would actually make them more fun.

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Fine, want my feedback… stop with this SoD & Self Found Crap… I have zero interest in SoD, Self Found or retail… so where is my Cataclysm Beta… or Cataclysm for that matter…

Only if you’re a nutter who needs things immediately.

Organizing the 40 mans has always been the toxic part.

Unless they put in something like LFR I think most 40 mans will be dead in the water for a significant number of people.

Which is fine, not everything appeals to everyone.

That’s a decent stance for Era servers but this is Seasonal with an expiration date. One of the few draws is trying all the Classes to check out the new Runes and the XP Buff makes that less painful.

And the Gold Buff is there to make questing more attractive in relation to dungeon grinding compared to P2.