Thank god this is your beta and not the real Classic +…
Feel free to do stupid things in your beta but keep this junk out of the real Classic + when it finally comes out. Glad I didn’t pick up and play SOD and canceled my 6 month sub.
No issue with the new raid being 20 or you exploring that, keep the god damn 40 mans…don’t make the same damn mistakes you made in retail trying to appease everyone and their mother.
People are still delusional about this ‘Classic+’ nonsense. All you’re doing is setting yourself up for disappointment.
By the way, I’m going to make a judgment call and say that you will never be satisfied. Because Blizzard can never make the perfect game for you. And the perfect game for you won’t be perfect for the next guy. And his perfect game might be despised by you. See how that works? Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad.
What you want already exists. So why complain when a Seasonal server built for changes and experimentation doesn’t simply duplicate Classic Era? That would be pointless. If you want a fresh Vanilla server, fine. But this ain’t it.
Look I heard this for years before Classic was announced and Blizz caved…then found out how successful it was, had to eat crow but some in the community never got their plate to eat.
Thank goodness you’re not in change of anything important.
Not what I said but if you need to put words into my posts, that’s all you buddy…
What? lol…
What I want does not exsist…yet! Again, not complaining, just don’t want bad ideas making it into Classic +. This is a forum and THEY ASKED FOR FEEDBACK.
Sounds to me like classic andies want classic plus to just be straight up classic with no changes. Just slap a plus on the end amd re release the original and print the free money blizz
Stop trying to bend and mold it to fit inside your head, people that want Classic want that experience to continue, hence “plus” a continuation of the game instead of xpac and huge changes.
Our friend group has already decided to bow out when raids require 20 people.
I really hope there’s a community push for 10-man raids come level 50 and level 60.
Please reconsider the 20 man content, or only 20 man content, and include 10 man raids. There will be losses in subscribers.
Or they could make updates to the current 20 player raids, add additional 20 player content, make updates to the 40 player content making the rewards close enough that a 20 player run maybe misses out on like 1-2 AGI off an item so it isn’t BIS, but it is close enough it doesn’t matter.
And furthermore, I am fine with making MC 20 player content. It is too easy and probably isn’t worth the time to revamp to make more challenging for 40 players. I am not even asking for additional 40 player content in this edition. Would be nice in potential future editions to get one 40 player raid and 2-3 additional 20 player raids (not SoD), but I am not asking for the moon. I am not even trying to gatekeep the content or truly gatekeep the gear. I just want 40 player raids to be an option with VERY minimal differences between the 20 player and 40 player gear. That way everyone has something they want. If that’s what they do, I am fine with it.
But if they are just going to dump the 40 player content because clowns like you whine about it, that is unfortunate. Right now, it sure seems like they are going to cave to the clowns.
Crazy how life is like a river, it always repeats…
Same mistakes they made 17 years ago, they want to make again because of a few people that were really loud on the forums and a company/Devs that seems to lose direction at times and lack any backbone or conviction for the systems and processes that made WoW what it was and why it’s so beloved.
I don’t care about SOD, do care about Classic + that comes next and don’t want any stupid ideas making the cut.