Season of Discovery Developer Update - Feb 27, 2024

The point of my exaggeration was to point out how ridiculous some of these guys are being when they cry about quitting over not being able to field a raid higher than 10, especially when they knew that this was classic wow and 40 man raids were the standard at 60. I’m sorry you were butthurt about my comment and now have a weird fixation about it

I’d love to reply, but I have to go solo a WSG match with 9 other people.


Does this mean we are getting Tier sets for each spec like TBC and after? or does this mean you are just adding in more gear to make these other specs viable?

I absolutely love this, yet again you guys are killing it. Going to a 20man raid would definitely help out our guild as none of us want to spend hours recruiting players into our guild to be able to hit 40 man’s.

So you do want something to be CHANGED, but not your performance.
so cool.

I’m a member of a small casual guild. Most of us have been around for a long time. At most we have the ability to schedule fifteen people for any one time. Changing the raids to 20 man would make it so that we would not see the content. Most of us have stated that we have little to no desire to find random folks to fill our raid. For me, I’d find other games to play.
Please consider making the raids 10/20 man with the ability to scale with the number of players in the group. My little group of people has had a blast leveling and raiding as a small 10 man guild, we’d like to keep doing that through the remaining phases.


Hi Aggrend,
I really appreciate the time and effort your team has put in to making SOD such a great experience! I’ve been enjoying trying out several classes, the pvp, and the raids. I was sad to see the raids moving to 20 man content. I understand the technical/workload implications of converting 40 player content down to 10 players. I understand the desire to reduce work in one area to generate new content.

Putting a 10 player raid together has been pretty easy. It’s allowed players enough time and space to raid on multiple characters. Phase 1 was pretty awesome this way! Phase 2 has been a bit rougher for alts and its good to see the team making changes to address this.

Unfortunately, Phase 3 moving towards 20 player raids puts new content slightly out of reach. For players like myself (sweaty casual), the increased overhead of organizing another 10 people on raid night just isn’t viable from a time perspective. If there is anyway SOD can continue to maintain a 10 player raid base through the rest of the season I’m sure many players would appreciate it.

Thanks again for communicating upcoming changes! SOD has been the most accessible version of WoW to date. I hope it continues to be that way in the future.


Please add playable Death Knights into SoD. I’d even purchase to play them in the form of a mini expansion pack for SoD. They are in Vanilla and heavily involved in the lore, just not yet playable until WotLK. You guys killed WotLK when you dropped SoD so please at least resurrect the Death Knight into SoD.

I don’t understand why the 10-man option has to go away. Either make the raids flexible for 10 and 20, or at least provide some raids for a 10-man experience.

My guild is a bunch of close friends who are super casual and just want to go together into a raid. Now we have to find 10 strangers just to have the option to? What was the fatal flaw about Blackfathom Deeps and Gnomeregan that’s making you want to change it up, other than keeping to the tradition of bigger raids at end game?


I’m not here to argue the stance of switching and reducing raid sizes. The only real comment I have to make about it is wasn’t the experiment about making people socialize and breathe life back into the game. I mean I get it we’re all a bunch of introvert gamers talking to people getting to know them and grow your guild/raid teams isn’t an ideal thing to the common wow hermit. But I mean its an online game. A MMO in fact, are we trying to say its no longer that. Maybe the correct term is it’s a “Clique groups only rpg?” I’d say since the migration from my era guild to the start of sod yes we lost some people in the transition. Some infact popping back up with phase 2 from where they rerolled horde or played with friends which is amazing. But since SoD start we’ re honestly grown to that 40 man size with people that mess well with everyone in prep for that to see “welp we’re not doing that now” I was hugely stoked for mc being 40 but I’ll ride this to the end.

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For the group I play with, the 10-man raids have been amazing! And…20-man will be incredibly unlikely for many of us to play.

Most of us are only here because we were able to scrounge up about 15 friends and friends-of-friends to go on this nostalgia trip together. 95% of us never pug (except for super low commitment moments in the rune goals, wherein I find strangers barely even speak to us, even when we try to communicate.) We honestly aren’t here to make new friends in WoW, we’re here to hang out with people we already met in various MMO’s years ago. It’s super unlikely we will ever assemble 20 people at max level.

For the sake of small, close-knit guilds like ours, I would strongly encourage you to consider adding some interesting 10-man endgame content as well, or we may very well drop our subs after the current phase and move on to other multiplayer games.


but it was off the table cause they explicitly stated they were going to leave 40 mans in tact lol. they also said they were going to be adding/creating new dungeons/raids. where are those? why not make a new 20 man and leave MC alone, like we were told/promised?

this whole announcement feels like a big slap in the face to a good chunk of the playerbase in more ways than one.

Blizzard, I do not want to game with strangers for my characters core progression. No, I will not game with strangers for my characters core progression. Dungeons and quests are fine but when commitment enters the equation, I do not want to rely on recruitment and chat channel interactions.

Dude it’s an MMO, hello? A large majority of the game revolves around social interaction lmao.

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Isn’t that the point of SoD though? Do things differently from before to see if the change is more popular/has more success. They should be doing some 40’s as 20’s to test it out. I emphasis the word some and not all.

You are opening yourself to a bot fest.
Please at least lock the exp buffs behind some kind of completed tasks. I suggest - Must have a max rank character and must have completed 4/6 Gnomeregan.
Also, please give me my gold back for the (2) mounts I’ve already purchased.

Nope. You are the one asking for a change. I am asking for the same 40 player raids that were in the base version Classic that SoD is being built on.

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It’s an absolute shame if 40 man raids aren’t left in tact. 10 is pathetic, 20 is an expanded dungeon, 40 is a RAID. The epic feel of 40 has never been matched since vanilla.

InB4: Era is that way (retail rhetoric)… yes I play era, yes I played since launch of vanilla. The game should not be anymore like retail, it’s an ‘everybody gets a trophy “ game when many including myself came to SoD for an experience that feels rewarding…retail is not that experience.

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I am sure 40man naxx and aq40 would be needed to capture some of the mechanics of some of the fights. Specifically 4h and cthun.

The point of SoD is to experiment otherwise it serves no purpose. They need to test both versions.

Just wanted to give some feedback about the raid sizes.

I know the big selling point for people I know was the fact that raids were 10-man and thus being easily manageable without having to get headaches planning, distributing loot, etc.

Knowing that we will need to recruit and maintain a bigger roster is already putting some people off saying that they would not continue in Phase 3 and wouldn’t have started SoD if they knew that the new raids would become bigger than 10-man raids over time.

Just wanted to put it out there that a lot of people liked the fact that raids were more manageable due to their sizes in SoD.

On an other note, I, myself, will still be playing the next phases because I’m curious to see how those 20 or 40-man will do and if the old ones will have a twist to them to make them feel unique and not exactly like they were back in the days. I’m ready to accept changes and anything you guys are testing out as long as it’s fun. I’ve been LOVING what you’re doing with this season and I’m impressed at the amount of effort that goes into it overall. The runes, the secrets, the constant tuning week after week as well as all the communications you guys have been putting out are amazing. Great job!!!