This is the type of interaction I DON’T want to be having about a game. This schism between people who don’t want 40-person raids, and people who crave old-school 40-person raids is wide. The only way to leave this situation with everybody happy is to have at least two different options for 40-person raids and at least two for non-40-person raids.
Some would say you have a responsibility to adhering to both the bad and good from classic, since that is how you marketed it (I can’t verify this, just going off what this person said).
Others would say you have a responsibility to the players actually using the product and engaging with it to keep improving said product, even if it is at the expense of its original vision.
Neither are incorrect takes. If you choose one over the other, you will likely disappoint half your audience. That’s why you likely need to have options for both valid reasons to play your game.
truly a brilliant plan. divide the community and cost yourself players and for what? less drama than most iterations of WOW and you drop this bomb, which was completely unnecessary. Someone should have to answer for this cluster F
If we are overhauling 60 raid content and rewards, I hope equal effort is placed into PVP rewards that are scaled properly (with survivability in mind) to the upgraded raid gear.
They mentioned they were interested in something like that. So bumping ZG up to BWL levels and AQ20 up to on par with AQ40 then maybe opening Kara as a Naxx equivalent 20 man would be awesome.
They already tried offering the same tuned raid in two sizes for a bit starting in Cata and that proved people vastly flocked to the smaller size. Offering a path with genuinely different raids but similar progression levels would be nifty to see.
Awesome news! My friends and I are really enjoying SoD and the smaller raid size has helped that happen. I liked 40 mans back in vanilla, but this is not the same. I know others would still love to have 40 mans. In a perfect world we would have 10, 20 or 40 man options for the raids, but I know that is asking a lot. My group of friends is right around 10 people now so this has made it enticing for them to come back and play WoW again.
The XP buff is amazing, like a lot of people I’m addicted to alts, I love playing every class and trying every option available so this is so awesome. Now all my alts can actually get mounts easy as well! I have honestly not had this much fun playing Warcraft since vanilla, so thank you all for that. Have a great day!
The exp buff is nice but I feel like there needs to a significant movement speed buff starting from level 1. It feels like you spend 99% of your time just running from point A to point B and it absolutely is not fun.
If the lesson the game is trying to teach me is that the optimal way to play is to just not engage with it. Then I guess I’ll learn that lesson and stop engaging.
I’m against 40mans as well. Especially since most of us aren’t 14 years old anymore. It’s been SO fun doing the 10mans with my friendgroup, 20mans would be manageable, but 40 is jus a no-go. I would prefer there always be endgame 10man raids as its fun/easy to pug and very alt friendly. More people doesn’t = more fun when it comes to raiding imo. 10man is a perfect size.
Feedback: add an additional 10/20% exp to people that are doing outside quests / farm. Like if you are inside dungeons is less 20% (100%) or extra XP from normal quest, not just elite.
The difference is huge and maybe some more people that are struggling to find groups will thanks that.
More feedback: give Black fathom world buff from 1-39 to every single player that enters Darnassus / Thunder bluff. Like perma. Now people that plays during night are not allowed to benefits from it and that 20% speed is a godlike QoL. Also with this move you make like a “hardcore” experience, always afraid to lose the WB and make it back to city.
I don’t what what people are talking about. There are many guilds right now that were preparing for 40 man raids who are still continuing to do so and now have to split their raid teams into two and now need a second raid lead and to field even more healers for these smaller raids when they are insanely scarce right now. This seems MORE of a headache than just having the 40 man content that everyone was expecting to move into. Now a guild has to make 10-20 and 40 man teams for all the content in the game. This is just stupid.