Please implement old school pre-nerf Alterac Valley.
Heck, can even expand it and make it even crazier if you want. A lot of us have a huge amount of nostalgia for pre-nerf AV and it was a gaming experience that couldn’t be found anywhere else (even to this day).
So you screwed over everyone who already bought their mounts?
All great changes, and info, IMHO
I’m glad the dev team has taken feedback seriously, and communicated with players in want I feel to be a very transparent way
SoD has been the most enjoyable WoW content in over a decade for me personally
Can’t wait to see what’s next and can’t wait to play new seasons with new lessons learned from SoD as well
These are the same people who get upset when they hear their own kids might get student loan relief
You don’t get screwed over. You played the game and enjoyed it enough that you invested in a mount
I bought one too. We will both survive (and so will our alts who get cheaper mounts now).
If there is no plan to have new raids at 60 be prepared for the insane backlash.
No new PVP content next phase?
Hi Aggrend
I really like how SoD has been until now and like the changes in this post.
For the revitalization of older 60 raids, I would like to see an updated version of what was available in SoM. 60 raid bosses needs to be balanced so they don’t fall over in 30 seconds during their appropriate phase. Mechanics should be respected and not possible to ignore too early in the phase.
Please make it so the 1.3 speed mace from BFD isn’t still BIS for prot pallies as we level up.
Are Warriors apart of this or will they be left in the dust like every phase so far? the runes are lack luster, Mages can have healing why cant Warriors like on retail? Instead we got Victory Rush which is a joke when you could have gave us Impending Victory.
Warriors need some love.
Thank you for reducing the mount prices! Only sad part is that I JUST bought a mount/training for my mage who hit 40 two days ago, dang I just missed out on the discount
First, I want to say that up until now I have been really enjoying SoD. I found a small guild made up of mostly friends that needed a few extras and it’s been the most chill Guild I have ever been in. I’m too old and have been playing WoW for too long to put up with the usual guild drama. This group, however, is really disheartened about several changes, the lack of certain off-specs being viable and the prospect of 40 man raiding. The reduction in the cost of mounts is actually adding to their displeasure (I share their concerns having just paid full price a week ago).
SoD provided you a way to do things differently and in some respects you have succeeded brilliantly. And in others you have failed.
A case in point is the layering / dynamic respawning of mobs… In my 18 years of playing WoW I have never before had to dungeon spam to level but it was basically the only viable option between lvl 25-40 because no matter what time of day I went to STV etc you had to stand around constantly hoping quest mobs, which you needed 10 or more of, would respawn and you you’d be able to tag it before the other 10 players trying to complete the quest. Your priority should be finding a solution to this issue.
Another example is gold sinks on epic crafting gear that actually only encourages botters and players buying illegal gold.
But constant changes, like the ones announced today, and trying to cater to everybody is borrowing the worst things from Retail that ruined the experience there for me and many others.
It seems like SoD succeeded beyond your expectations and you are now trying to manage that success. However, many prefer greater consistency (even in some instances when it doesn’t benefit them). It’s important as a game developer to come up with a solid plan and also to stick to your guns. Pulling the rug out from under players is never appreciated. You may be killing the goose that laid the golden egg by flying by the seats of your pants and tacking left than right so frequently. Put more thought into it to begin with, consider the possible ramifications and come up with a solid plan.
boooo this man or woman!
thats the point
Shorter BFD lockout. 1 day or remove altogether.
Do you think there should be an increase in the amount of reputation awarded by quests with the buff too? Double xp means fewer quests and that means fewer chances to get reputation since once you outlevel a quest, the reputation reward drops along with the xp granted.
Player volume in raids increasing or decreasing doesn’t significantly impact my enjoyment of the game, at least directly. However, I do sympathize with raid organizers and loot management, understanding the challenges they face with these changes. If the increase in raid sizes means our group can’t run raids, I’ll definitely be bummed out. Additionally, if people start quitting over these changes, I can see how it might impact my interest in continuing. After all, I’ve never been good at doing things on my own, and I wouldn’t look for another group to play with, even if I’m enjoying the game in general. I value the community and camaraderie we’ve built, and losing that would be a big blow to my overall experience. Leaving things in a 10 man setting is a big deal for my group of friends.
Honestly I don’t think that the mount cost should be reduced unless you plan on also refunding people who already bought them. It’s been less then a month since it’s been an item that has been available for purchase, and it is a slap in the face to everyone who has already bought them. A temporary sale is one thing, a permanent mark down so soon would face real problems IRL.
Playing Alts has become a huge part of WoW, but this wasn’t nearly so much the case in 2004/5. I agree it’s something of value that needs to be served, but there ARE some players who still focus almost exclusively on a single character. Who don’t have the time or inclination to divide their attention.
Making it easier to play Alts is good. But content for solo characters is also important.
Nothing about dual spec?
These are all amazing changes! Thank you SOD Dev team, you guys are awesome. My guild has been hoping for 20 mans since we feel 40 is way too much but 10 limits the compositions you can bring.
Now the only thing I need to be really happy is to bring Warrior tanks up to the same level Shamans and Paladins are. I would love to play an actual Prot warrior with runes that allow us to not lose single target aggro to Enhancement Shamans…
REQUEST: For those that rely on getting to revered reputation with a faction by targeting those faction quests, can you please remove the decay of faction reputation earned from gray quests if we’re going to be zooming through them? If that isn’t an option, please do keep the option to remove the bonus exp option so we can level them at normal speed if this is our focus. I’d like to avoid having to do as little runecloth turn ins as possible in the 50-60s lol.