Season of Discovery Developer Update - Feb 27, 2024

Well obviously there’s no reason to recruit for it yet, so probably not many. There will just end up being a consolidation of a lot of guilds. People merging with others.


Exactly. Being ahead of the curve only proves to screw us over in the long run. I’m broke and I want a refund

This is actually not true, the Classic wow client has been a modified version of the Shadowlands client starting from TBC Classic.

I’ve tried this multiple times in reg classic bc and wrath. It never worked

gdkp has nothing to do with the size of the raid. there’s whales in all sizes

pvp is pretty bad at the moment for sure

It’s great to hear about the raid sizes. It gives guilds something to work with and to plan out their futures together.

40 man raids are iconic…
With that said it’s so hard getting 50 people together

Sadly 20-25 man content makes more sense….although I don’t know how you guys will tune fights like the 4 horsemen (8) tanks type of scenario that is a pretty awesome fight Imo.

I appreciate the nod to slow lvling players like myself. We need more help getting to the raiding. We’re not 20 and single, we’re 30, 40, 50 and have a wife and kids.

I was really hoping 10m would continue…

For our guild, it really helps with scheduling. We have a raid day but one group later and one earlier to accommodate. We have like ~18-20 people so alts can be used to fill out the groups as well as have a 3rd alt group once people are leveled. Members can miss a day or two without feeling bad or that they’ll miss out. With this news of 20man raiding, it’s likely we will not continue to play in phase 3 as the scheduling would never work with our current members.

It would be ok to keep larger raids if there was equivalent content/gear in a smaller 10man setting too. If there was an NPC or w/e that you could talk to outside in order to zone into a 10 man tuned instance version rather than interface selection. Something … pretty please? :slight_smile:


The War Within will be out soon

All fine changes, nothing I disagree with. In terms of things that should be added to SOD there is a few:

#1 is Rated Battlegrounds. You’ve stated on twitter that the team doesn’t want to add RBGs because of “unreal expectations of balance” or something. Classic is a game of counter-classing though, and as long as you’re nerfing things that are crazy outliers (Starsurge, SW:D, Hunter pets), which you have been, RBGs will be as balanced as players would want them to be. If a specific class is strong and being utilized heavily in RBGs, then players will stack counter-classes to the overpowered one. This game is lacking competitive PvP, and especially at level 60, the replayable PvP content will become stale to players who want a more challenging PvP outlet.

#2 is better balancing between specs and runes. Some runes are simply chosen by sub-1% of the population because they are objectively miles worse than alternatives. Talents and runes feel good when there are meaningful decisions and clear trade-offs, but with many rune slots, one rune is just so much better than the others that you don’t really even have a decision. One big example is Frost Mages choosing Living Bomb over Ice Lance. Ice Lance is currently hitting for about the same as a single Shadow Priest Void Plague DoT tick, and for a frost mage to give up a core, spec-defining ability for some random Fire DoT shouldn’t be the case.

#3 is better questing quality of life. Everyone knows that spamming dungeons is miles better XP/hour than questing and many players choose this route because questing QOL is abysmal in Classic. Drop rates are low, the XP per quest is low, and worst of all, the on-drop quest items only drop for one person in a group, making group questing feel absolutely time-wasting to do. Increasing the XP of quests and making the on-drop quests group wide would be a good change for P3-4 so people don’t feel like dungeon grinding is the only viable way to level, especially on launch days when zones are packed.

and i thought the supply box changes was a slap to the face

Im probably going to call it a day with SoD soon unless they give us some more input on what WoW+ is going to be like. SoD is feeling too retail-ish. We never needed Rogue/Lock tanks, Mage healers, just need to make the content better where you have to have tanks, the tanks you do have should have better gear itemization leveling. The number of healers we’re fine should have just balanced the healers with their niche. Instead of adding the hybrid buffs to classes you should have just made shamans/paladins playable with both factions. Monks should of be introduced as well as being able to make a DK once you level a pally to 55.

Instead of making dungeons into raids, y’all should have just created new raids with old zones. So lazy, this game has so much more potential than re-hashing everything.
My 2 coppers, have a nice day.

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Please ship the Discoverer’s Delight XP buff sooner than next week. It feels really bad that the best way to play alts now is to wait until next week.

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Different teams?

There are 9 classes soooo 2 of each plus 2 seems like pretty good variety to me unless your a meta slave and only take FOTM

Edit: 2 of each plus 4 based on shaman and pally faction restriction

Yeah I’m unsubbing until they care about PvP

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Thanks for the info. While I personally loved 40-man raids, I can see the wisdom of making 20-mans the standard. I do hope boss fights are reworked and made significantly more challenging. In SoD, player power has grown exponentially, so I think the difficulty bar needs to be raised too. Keep dungeons/raids accessible, but throw in some nice challenges too.

I’m not sure I like the mount price decrease. We really need MORE gold sinks in the game, not fewer.

I definitely think SoD needs to go in its own direction and not be just another WoW Xpac. People have retail for that. I hope you create new dungeons and raids on top of reworking classic favorites. New content for the Vanilla world.

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Most of our 10m Wrath raiding team is playing SoD as a casual way to keep in touch until Cata launches. Unfortunately, I think at least half of the folks in our team (myself included) have no interest in anything larger than 10m.

This news is hitting our group kind of hard and makes me wonder if we’ll even make it to the end of this phase. We’re just a group of friends. Most of us have previous 40m officer experience from 2019-2020, and none of us want to have anything to do with recruiting, merging, or managing anything larger than what we are now.



Thanks for the update. I see some positive plans about the raids and the xp buff & gold buffs appear to reflect a tight schedule on SOD and a desire to test these raids.

If this does lead to a ‘classic+’ I hope the world of Azeroth is improved and the level experience not made to be a ‘quick chore’ done to get to raiding.

I would prefer slower leveling and gold grinds as that’s what I enjoy about WoW Classic. I would prefer dungeon spamming to provide less experience than questing, and professions to offer more item competitive with raid BIS that can be achieved through open world farming (BOP reagents) over a few weeks between raids.

Sod overall has been fun, I enjoy the changes and the weekly buffs/nerfs that let me optimize and tinker with my build. It certainly isn’t easy to appease everyone. Looking forward to a patch that brings the weaker runes closer to the optimal ones over all classes.

Thanks for your work!


I like the 20man MC for lvl 60 and keeping the rest 40mans, especially if that means we’ll have other content coming out. don’t waste dev time on rescaling to 20man (40man is so special anyways!) Also, wouldnt mind some HP bumps to MC if we’re scaling it down so we can see all the mechanics of the bosses etc. if that’s possible!

ty <3

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