What? Epic as a quality is literally defined by scale, 40-man content is inherently more epic than any content with smaller group sizes, but that’s beside my point.
Classic is the only form of WoW that has 40-man content, diminishing that so tourists can feel better about only playing with their tiny discord clique in a massive multiplayer online game is sellout behavior that betrays the core fans on top of diluting the “classic” part of Classic: Season of Discovery even more.
Nah. It isn’t the same. I am in a giant cavern…with 20 people. I am killing this epic dragon that is supposed to be the strongest known at the time…with 20 people. That’s not epic.
But more than that, I have to cut 3-4 people out of my guild because they are too casual to raid the more difficult 20 player raid versus being able to be carried while having lower contribution levels in a 40 player raid. They aren’t the same at all. Basically, a whole subset of players who don’t know they won’t get to raid just got axed with this decision.
Please make special mounts(like the 2 new Blood Moon mounts, and Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider)Account-wide(Binds to Blizzard Account)instead of Soulbound
Also please increase the drop rate of the Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider. I don’t ask for a 100% drop rate but 1% drop is very low considering this is a Seasonal game. We won’t have enough time to farm it.
I think a 10-20% drop chance would be more reasonable.
Firstly, Thanks for being a part of the community and working with us to make classic+ a thing that could be on the horizon. I would simply love to give some feedback regarding rune and rune bloat.
This is primarily tied into how some specs have pivotal abilities (such as Rewind for healer mages) that are locked behind a glove slot which is essentially required to be arcane blast. Additionally, lots of specs just have completely dead runes that just don’t get used because the best rune is just way better or required for your spec.
So i was wondering, is there any efforts that maybe underway to decrease the tie to the slot a rune is taking up? Or is there potentially a rune refresh for meme or under utilized runes in the game? I am thinking of mage’s arcane surge for example.
Seems like to me there is really no disadvantage of doing this. I am coming from the perspective of a long time wow mage player, and from my perspective frost is completely dead (the meta that enabled casting frostbolt is dead, and new bolt spells provide no benefit to use) (extremely dead in pvp), and the rest of the specs are just hanging in there or complete meme spec.
I just wish that there could be a constant push to keep mixing up the meta, it is season of discovery after all.
Why would you slash mount costs and increase gold rewards from quests/waylaid supplies when inflation is already SO bad. I paid the 85+ gold for a mount a few days ago and now you slash the cost? and for what? Part of classic is still working for the conveniences. I understand quality of life can be important but damn.
Yes you personally equate epic solely with number of people in the raid, I equate it with the actual content itself. MC is largely just a snore fest, having 40 people in no way changes that.
If they are planning on making the other raids 40 player runs, then they can do whatever they want with MC. It IS a snore fest. My issue is that it sure sounds like they are planning on rolling that decision out to the rest of the game and that is definitely not what I signed up for. I am sure they will be super sad to lose my subscription. There will be weeping in the halls at Blizzard HQ.
I thought GDKPs were going to be just fine??? What happened?
Also, the leveling was what resulted in the fewer alts, not the lack of GDKPs. 1-25 took a fraction of the time 25-40 took and 90% of p2 leveling involves spamming SM till your eyes bleed which is about as fun as driving bamboo splinters under your fingernails.
Everyone had a main and at least two and more likely three level 25 alts in p1 greatly inflating the raiding numbers, especially with BFD being so accessible. Blaming the raiding decline on GDKPs being gone is pure copium lol
Interesting changes. I will reserve a final judgment until they are implemented next week.
A couple of possible suggestions. For the experience gain, I think a base 50 percent increase for levels 1-39 would be better until you have one character at 40. Then, any alts gain the 100 percent experience bonus. It doesn’t take away as much from those who had to level up without the bonus and limits that feeling of having wasted your time overly much.
Will you refund half the cost for characters who bought their level 40 mount in phase 2 before the patch? If so, then this is a great change.
With characters leveling up quickly, how will you address faction gains/grind? Will we be able to gain faction from grey quests at some point? Will there be more repeatable faction grind quests similar to the cloth quests added?
I like the idea of 20-man raids. I think, though, that if you are going to keep 40-man raids in phase 4, there should be a version that is 20-man as well for those that guilds can select before entering the raid that can’t be changed during that reset. That way, both camps of players are satisfied. (I am fine with them being all 10-man raids, but I know many like something a bit larger.)
Other suggestions:
Dual spec ASAP, please.
I would also like to see Hunters get another role option using runes like Rogues and Warlocks did. (To be honest, I just want to run around shooting people in my group to heal them. Plue, another potential healer class, is always good.)
Could we also get a rune for Druids so they can use consumables while shapeshifted?
Looking forward to more content as the phases progress.
Not really. I’m in the same boat as that guy. The modernity onto Classic with SoD and smaller raids is what brought me back. Our friend group typically PUG 0-3. Doing this for 10-12 people and now having to shoulder a heavy master looter, juggling 12 egos, etc. just isn’t worth the time investment and headache.
Some of us hate raiding. I don’t play this game just to end-game quickly and raidlog. I play it to work hard to level toons to feel like I’ve accomplished something compared to other people. I want to feel rewarded for having 4x alts all level 40 with max professions.
Now you’re just handing it out like candy, and forcing me to back to the raidlog playstyle at the same time. The Joyous Journeys buff already chapped my jimmies, but this just takes the cake.
You’re ruining this game by giving everyone a participation ribbon.
Helldivers, here I come.
So you want to make new content and gate it behind a 40 man raids to the point where only 10% of the players see it again? How many active SoD guilds are even capable of fielding a 40 man?