It’s a static grind to get epic ranked gear. Even the blue gear is good enough which most should be able to get early P4.
They did mention they plan on reworking tier pieces, you might see much better stats from the reworked pieces than even the PvP sets. Unique set bonuses too.
Number 5 if you’re looking at 99th percentile. 90 or 95 is typical practice - where melee hunter is solidly in 4th place ahead of ele sham since the patch.
Top ranged hunter DPS on Meckgineer Thermaplugg as of 2/29
Chimera Shot - 26.04%
Chimera Shot Serpent - 11.18%
“Asolutely false” seems like a bit of a stretch considering these are actual in-game numbers.
Thank you Devs for continuing to make improvements to the game. I think these smaller buffs can be built upon if need be and are a better approach than huge nerfs or buffs.
With that being said, please help the Hpallies out. It feels like all of the attention is going to ret. Just some tweaks or new runes would be greatly appreciated!
Please, please, no.
Some of us like the fantasy of having ammo.
(also 40dps at level 40 is far more than the 13dps of Jagged Arrows / Accurate slugs)
True, current pvp we can do good damage, but that’s a far cry from unparalleled. The main caveat is having and using rage before getting wiped by ranged.
warrior abandoned again
every other tank gets crit immunity built into runes
still dog doodoo aoe threat
I’m glad you think the buffs to ranged hunter actually matter. This solves nothing when other classes have press button instant 1500 damage and procs while aim shot is a 3 sec cast and tops at 1000 with the best gun in the game, and that 1000 is one out of 50. Gg try harder, read logs… use common sense.
Why do this? The entire point was you equipped +damage gear, and gave up healing power to do more damage. Before you were doing more dps than a regular healer; now you’ll also be healing as much as them too!
Mage objectively best healer now?
just wanted to start by say thank you for the resent QOL to balance, but you still hit us with a massive 75%(-35% base damage & the “bug fix”) lost to the balance spell (Starsurge) that was meant to be hardest hitting spell, well if you look at the history of the spell, which would not be in our rotation right now if it didn’t increase starfire, you have made the spell hit like a wet noodle, it does less damage then warth, which is a fill spell, but make us use it in in our main rotation, not only that but make our rotation work around it! plz if your gonna buff classes that can now do massive crits like the mage pulling in 2.4K crits in pvp, plz rework Starsure! Also i do understand there is alot of work that needs to be done to other classes and specs, so in no way, shape or form am i saying that balance is the only one who is in this predicament, but alose some type of hit would be nice.
These buffs are purely for them to say “we already buffed you now go be quite in your corner”
Questioning why mangle was nerfed for p2. Can we get a dev on cat asap? Maybe address mana issues?
Man the sod team really just does not care about the hunter class at all lol. None of these runes were the ones that needed buffs.
Steady Shot, Sniper Training, Invigoration (needs an actual rework to actually increase damage in some form), Kill Command. These are the ones that actually need buffs and would be relatively simple to fix. Maybe Master Marksman, but that really needs to just be moved off the same slot as Lone Wolf because they should be able to be used together first. Cobra Strikes and Serpent Spread are also useless, but those also just need complete overhaul reworks and bring some kind of utility to probably ever be useful without blizz just making them the broken choice.
Meanwhile Ret Paladin is being forced down the auto attack afk route with this tiny SoM buff that does nothing to address its major glaring dps and mana issues, Holy Paladin still doesnt have a single healing rune, and Prot is outclassed by every single tank in threat and mit. Paladin is the worst class for all three roles in the game.
At least you can switch a few runes and be very competitive dps. Meanwhile Shamans get their damage quadrupled and their tanks do more damage then dps now and are actually immortal one shotting monsters in pvp that have completely destroyed any semblance of competitiveness in pvp. But thats fine according to blizzard since they aren’t addressing it.
God I really wished the devs played their own game.
Shaman one shot the worst. Spam dispel and interrupt. Need to be tuned back in pvp.
But our buttons are easier to press than other buttons! They should do less damage because pressing 1, 2 and 3 in green is easier than in brown, blue or yellow!
2H is mediocre, which is what I was specifically talking about. Details matter.
Narrowing it to one fight? Look at the average across all bosses. 12% 6%. That kind of numbers on Thermaplug most likely means he was doing buttons.
Where is Shaman nerf you incompetent fks?