Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - February 20

They haven’t implemented it yet, it comes out on the 20th of Feb

Rogues weren’t hybrid wtf lol. We could only dps until SoD. And now, we have been forced into hybrid as a lackluster tank. This was something that no rogue really asked for. Not the majority at least lol. Its garbage.

Come on bro. Read the whole thread. I know.

I can’t speak for the majority cause I don’t know the majority of rogues to get their opinion, but the ones I did talk to in game were excited to try the rogue tanking. Problem is the implementation wasn’t done right so most gave up on it.

Absolutely nothing for warrior great job Blizzard as usual you show you have no idea wtf you’re doing with this game

Buff warriors

yeah cool man.
any plans to fix homonculi?
you know… a pet bar?

Well that rune would only realistically ever matter if you had a fast 2h or every 6 seconds for SS, rather they add some spell hit for 2h and a second instant attack like LL

The nerf needs to happen now. Getting hit for 1836 from an instant cast move in AB and WSG when i don’t even hit that hard with a execute thats crap. I have two healers on my and still gets destroyed by one priest.

And not a single buff for affliction warlocks, a spec that might as well not even exist.

i dont know what you guys are thinking other than “lets give horde as much free rep as possible for the first part of phase 2 so when we eventually “balance” them out they will already be exalted with gnomer / exalted / stv gear” THROAT STOMPING alliance.

In what metric are they under-performing?

Thats 99 percentile lol

Lying doesn’t help your case


whos on crack pipe here saying give shamans more? dudes are clearly not pvping in their own game or are heavily biased towards horde. time to eat your shorts.

Bit melodramatic.


God forbid a class that can literally only dps actually be at the top of dps for a few weeks before people cry to nerf it. Gotta get those warriors back to the top and allow hybrid healers to compete

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That last one should also be skill issue. Why are you letting the melee hunter with no charge or stealth get onto you?

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99th is padding, pandering and dumb luck. 80-95th is playing to potential.

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So you haven’t done blood moon I see. Gorilla Warfare happens there.